CBK to launch a brand new CBDC (you will own nothing and you would be happy)

Dissidents your time is up. Ukipinga serikali unazimiwa bank account #ScanUlipe


hapa itabidi tuwachane na payments zingine na vile watu wengine wanaringa vile wako digital huku nje

Do you and your fellow conspiracy theorists realize the phrase “you will own nothing and you will be happy”, refers to the trend of subscriptions over one-time purchase?

No exaggeration but the WEF truthers are the dumbest lot in the conspiracy landfill.

Wacha propaganda. ScanUlipe is like the flopped 1tap by safaricom. It is not a CBDC

have used this in naivas Nakuru. it really works and is working

By flopped i mean it does not support non - NFC devices

you got a camera on phone, it works. it uses ths Mpesa QR code thingy in lipa na m-pesa


But that is what the WEF has published… Whether it will bevthe case… Nobody knows

It is a simple statement of fact that has unfortunately been twisted by conspiracists.
Everything is trending towards a subscription model. Movies, News, even food delivery… Nothing conspiratorial. Just market forces.