Cause and Effect in the Context of African Bonobos

I always wonder why Africans are unable to conceptualize something as easy as the consequences of their actions. Leading from the front are our D- and their counterparts in the disciplined forces followined by bonobos who vote in tribal chiefs. Look at this:-
[li]Police complain of low pay and poor working conditions. Some civilians organise themselves to demonstrate and face the political leaders to improve the police’s circumstances. The political leaders send in the bonobos to teargas and beat up whoever is demonstrating for their welfare. Sad,[/li][li]The military works overtime to crush dissent at the behest of their political masters. The politicians go ahead and buy rickety aircraft which the military bonobos proceed to die in like it happened yesterday,[/li][li]Voters…,[/li][li]Nimechoka kutype. Kujeni Westy niambiane mfunguliwe.tukunywe mpaka asubuhi.[/li][/ol]

Greed, tribalism, Religion plus bonoboism is a very deadly combination.