Pia hao wakataa bibi yai.
The president doesn’t require to be given more powers than contained in 2010 katiba.
Now this is the church that stood against moi n we need it
BBI as is cannot pass. Imagine the effort it took to pass the 2010. It failed prior to that and only passed because of a joint government.
The church is dead as a political voice/ opposition in Kenya
Kenyatta could wake up tomorrow and have it closed due to covid and leave it closed until Kenyans move on
That already happened earlier this year for 3 months so it can happen again and the churches know that which is why they have taken long to say anything about BBI
Other churches adn even mosque are going to follow suit. Uhuru and Baba will not even get the power to campaign for it. That is how BBI has been killed and buried.
They are able to go against BBI and make noise because everybody is going against BBI and making noise
But their days of fighting/criticizing government alone are gone
BBI chieth must fall!