Cat ferker update

Stone him

A post is never fully qualified until raila or uhunye is mentioned.


hahahahha wtf na vile paka anakuaga mkali???

By the way cats are on heat this July. Huku LA hatulali ni zile mascreams zinamke usiku unaweza fikiria ni watoto nje wanalia…

leta hekaya priss

si muwakamue tuu watulie

:D:D that boy should have been given a real Swahili puthy akamue the whole day awache kufira paka

the devil is living among us. - News & Politics - Kenya Talk

:D:D Eti “unajua sikuhizi mombasa kuna tv?” Okay.

Sounds like something a retard would say. Those fellas in the video castigating the pervert seem dumb.

idiots with smartphones


Jamaa anakula puthy literary

Didnt know there would be so many supporters of a cat fucker here

Leta link fala hii