MP asked constituents to bear many children. MP Muriuki Njagagua’s comment sparks debate. Njagagua is the MP for Mbeere North. Numbers ‘to ensure constituency is not scrapped’

Njagagua: Women who give birth to get Ksh.2,000

Sasa 2000/- is it worth calling for more babies?.. Instead of finding solutions to the ones that elected him he is busy putting attention to unborn babies!!!

he just wanted to keep you mentioning his name in a worthless debate…

Idiotic leadership, people conceived on roadsides !
…will be back with more insults !

and riverbeds

To quote Edward Clay> They overfeed and later on vomit on our shoes.

2,000:eek::eek:. Will be pampering that name with it

That dumbo Mhesh should also play his part. Aende apatiane mimba kama hataki eneo bunge lake liishe.

Contrary to what you guys are saying, iebc will review some of the special constituencies that do not meet the population threshold. The MP is fighting for his own existence and that of the constituency.