Car vs motorbike, uta prefer gani

I like adventures and flexibility. With a bike i can avoid traffic, ride on any road, avoid police inconveniences , less fuel etc. with a car you have more space to carry stuff etc. Personally what’s your preference

Buy both

A car is not comparable to a motor bike. Unavalia suit, halafu ride to work on a rainy monday morning?

All the pros point to a bike lakini the roads say otherwise. We are not bike friendly yet, the many accidents and lives lost on bikes is too damn high. Kwanza those superbike guys are suicidal hata heri wale wa bajaj.

a KTM adv bike

Buy Both, Braaaap Monday to Friday in Nai traffic, Sato kwenye tint ukipeleka Ka yengs hideout (na lazima ufikishe Threshold)

I used to want a sports bike, but then I saw all the gory accident aftermath videos online and said nah. Don’t want to go out like that.