Caption This: What are the idiots "discussing"....?


Just Happened in Nakuru … What is the solution ndio ipite kuna route ingine… tuchanuaneni manze … :D:D:D

Kuwa mpole banaa. On this you came out as an elitist and super ignorant, we really don’t know what these guys educational backgrounds is, but there you’re calling them idiots.
WTF ! ! ! @Mangele, don’t be an a$#hole.

Remove/reduce tyre pressure

Guys you do understand that that truck has hit the bridge thats why it’s bent at the top and forced a puncture on the tires … hakuna discussion hapo…

Won’t comment.

If you know you Know.

Swali ni…Is there height restriction sign. Mwenye kujenga bridge ni nani

Kwa upande yangu, maoni yangu ni countless trucks and trailers have passed under the bridge before. The problem is not the bridge, tge problem is the trailer and its cargo and its operators.

There are routes the idiot driver would have used to avoid that incident.Kama kupitia 58

True, they always use 58

Huyu hawezi kusaidika. What does the driver expect to happen while carrying cargo towering over the height of the truck’s cargo container? The bridges have a specific height in feet or metres, but he must have measured his cargo only in tonnes, while the cops he might have met measured it only in notes.

the law states KENHA must indicate the height in such areas, makosa ni ya KENHA kama hakuna

Apa ume ASSume hakuna sign indicating height sindio

Hiyo bonobo ilipitia njia mbaya. Hizo bonobos mbili hapo chini zitafute kazi ya kufanya