Watu waache kuuziana uoga. Every situation is different. Fanya assessment ya entry na exit points, possible weapons to use in case of anything. Lastly, practice a technique we were taught while training with the British SAS during my time with the British Grenadiers; weka trouser, shati na viatu mahali unaweza amuka kama umevaa in less than three seconds. Literally jumping into your clothes. One way of going about it ni after every round, unavaa trouser na kuweka viatu zikiangalia mlango na shati inakuwa within arm’s reach. Ukiastuliwa unapita na jamaa. Let him not monopolise violence.
The home owner has already mastered the entry/exit points, light switches positions and weapons/knives locations.
Taa inazimwa from fuse box, by the time you are echolocating umeshadungwa.
Wacha bwana. Labda sikukwambia. Kuna pia techniques za adopting your eyes to night vision. Halafu usidanganyike. No attacker knows how the attacked will react. He can only play out scenarios of how his attack will go and no more.
If all fails, unaingia kwa closet unatoa manguo zote halafu unangoja police wakuje kukuokoa. The house owner must have heavier artillery like shoka to get in. Then police wakikuja, they will pretend to arrest you mwende kama mnacheka huko mbele kwa land cruiser.
PS: my methods only apply to stand alone houses, maisonettes and 3 bed roomed apartments on first floor kurudi chini. Never attempt this kwa nyumba za bedroom.mbili kurudi chini mpaka single room.
If you have the foresight to predict a violent fall out, then why would that keen sense of self preservation abandon you to a venture you financially gain nothing whatsoever?
Kuna time niliwaambia mkicheza hii league…regardless of whose hosting and wherever the scene of the crime will be…ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTERNAL SET OF EYES and AVOID NEW LOCATIONS WHERE YOU KNOW NO ONE.
Siku moja mtanishukuru.