Can you allow your husband or wife to be a sexologist?

Hii mambo ya kukuwa liberated ndio gani Tena. I thought being a liberated woman is being liberated from men. How are you liberated na unazalia wanaume hawaja kuoa and then you are being misused by so called alfa mails after wamekufanya singo mother. Even the sexologist wa foursome was like she’s a liberated woman, how can you say that you are liberated when 5 men who have no commitment no investment in you are fucking you at the same time and recording it. Even porn star hulipwa kufanya hiyo kazi and porn star is the lowest and least liberated woman wakiwa na sex workers. So if you are lower than them how are you liberated?

Don’t misuse the word liberated woman please.

Its like porn stars husema they’re feminists. How? You have no money, so you are having degrading sex on camera with strangers for money but you will make more money for the man who will pay you by your degradation and humiliation and your private sexually and body being sold to huge number of men. How is that being a feminist? Feminism is about being independent of upuzi na exploitation ya waume and the patriarchy. Not this other nonsense.

My fren do you know am old enough to be your mother. Respect your elders.

So if biacara ni biacara if Chris Kirubi wants to sleep with her and he will give you some good money utampeana?

It starts with teaching ladies then it graduates to threesome and foursome.

Hehehe thats the flipside.

No. It’s like a gateway drug. It opens a pandoras box. Sexuality is a fire. It can warm or cook your food or burn down your house.

mama gari ni gari, na dere ni dere. husijali nipee kitu hutajuta.

Have you watched a movie by the name indecent proposal? A billionaire ask a man to sleep with his girlfriend for only one night for one million dollars. The boyfriend hesitate but the girl is interested and convinces the boyfriend. Yes kama Bibi ashaamua kupea kirubi nyau, who am I to refuse. Akamuliwe then spend the money

That’s why men die early. Not respecting elders. Tupu ya mamako itakumaliza. Nyinyi ndio watu hurape watu wa 80 yrs mukisema Gari ni Gari.

Some men can’t withstand that they’d rather die of hunger. But I see that you are very modern.

Nipee slices, nkikurarua hutazeeka. utakaa kijana mwilini na ubongoni. Acha misemo ya wakazi wa third world countries. Angalia wangereza wanaishi past 80years wakiwa strong sababu iyo miaka wanakubali kudinywa na vijana wadogo. na hapa wafrika hawadumu duniani.

Sex should be sacred

Who is the man here? Is it a gay couple? Slices omba Mungu kijana. Ziko kwa shelf yake.

niserve nikusave

Will ensure it only warms and cooks. Its how you manage it I believe.

There’s a day I listened to this lady on radio Valerie. Ati it was about a workmate of hers whose gf went to his phone and found evidence of infidelity. So Valerie was like how could she disrespect you like that to go to your phone. Your phone is private, how can your gf violate your privacy. The guy was worried about losing the gf. Valerie was pandering to him. About how his phone must be respected. That’s the day I knew she had lost the plot like akina Kaz and Nini Wacera.Men will make you lose your mind. You can’t even tell right from wrong, normal from abnormal.

Everyone is doing it … :smiley:


@TrumanCapote see this
Your feedback is highly appreciated

Her husband is divorcing her and doing DNA test for their kids. He’s a lecturer at Moi Uni and a dentist.

If you think that you are seeing drama, wait till this generation grows up, mutajiju. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The beauty of life on earth is that there’s always a precedent in history that can show outcomes of certain lifestyles in society.

Sex is a private affair between the individuals. It’s not a group thing and a thing for mass public consumption like what we have made it.

Others tried that path and it destroyed their civilizations, it destroyed their lives. Sodom and Gomorrah. The gay community. Luo community and others adversely affected by HIV. When you make sex a free for all public affair you are dooming yourself. Something so powerful that it has created 7 billion people isn’t something to play around with casually. But when we tell people that we are told we are fossils, we are not modern. Some things don’t change. The nature of sex is one of those things.