Manzi wa Kibera has just posted her Service Charge …
Can You afford her … ???
Manzi wa Kibera has just posted her Service Charge …
Can You afford her … ???
That’s USD7,000. Best of lack to her.
Kabla chieth mbitika akue na futhi
That’s what is on Offer …
You’re saying, if today you hit the jackpot, you’d pay that much ?
Not worth it.
PNC will kill you
Mimi coomer siwezi lipa more than 2k ,700k afadhali ninunulie ghaseer ploboxi zisafifishe miraa na nipate 4k daily
Kwani analipisha mpaka ya harufu? Dirty ass bítch
You must have unique sensory capabilities …
You can pick up Odours from photos … ???
How much would you pay Shakilla …???
Mbona hajawai omoka huyu dem. Kina sherlene seem to be doing much better. Both provide similar services
Just looking at the parameters of that Ass …
Don’t you wager that she is worth at least 1 “spin” …???
Bad marketing.
What is the value proposition? What is her USP?
Stating a price is easy but one must convince the buyer that they are buying a Rolls Royce not a Toyota Allion.
Elders walisema ako SJ every weekend bei ni 250
labda it was meant to be 700ksh, huyu sidhani ni wa kuandika KES
150 Kama Ile chokora mwezake @cortedivoire hulipa boreholes yeye hudeenya
She will pay me for making her squirt… something i am sure she hasn’t done because she fucks pot bellied simps who pay for segs
Shakilla = KES 257
My experience with similar mouths indicate a characteristic pungent odour from all orifices.