Try a different cable
A different comp sometimes works wonders, if not uninstall all drivers ten install all over, try 5he miracle box driver pack, all in all, try in a different computer preferable x86 windows
nimetumia hii, now the phone wont turn on
Put the phone in fastboot mode.
Then Kwa prompt type.“fastboot devices”.
Your connected device should be listed in form of some serial number note it down and then type "fastboot erase {serial number of device} persist erasing". When done " fastboot reboot" should be done.
just like that, a brand new tecno camon cx ya 15k ikadedi, fck!!
Uki connect charger ina charge.
nope, but nkiconnect kwa pc naskia iyo sound
Try to install the drivers manually Kwa pc. I.e device manager
Then check for unknown hardware alafu click update driver. Next choose option ya let me choose. Then select ADB interface, next see if your device is listed. Wacha nikusakie link.
please do utaniokolea sana
Which windows are u using? Isikue 8 kwenda juu,drivers zitasumbua… windows 7 is preferable
10 pro
Have the drivers installed properly?is ADB recognizing the phone?
the drivers are just fine, have uninstalled and reinstalled and the phone shows under device manager as MTK USB
Then try different versions of the flashtool…simu itaamka eventually
Here we have a big problem, tafuta comp ina windows 7 preferably 32 bit, windows 10 doesn’t work well with drivers, phone iko saw a just flash using miracle box, ama alladin
at least unanipea hopes
niliflash na SP tool
Try it, ikikataa tumia hiyo gsm alladin ama miracle box
on it