Buying land in kenya( TAKE NOTE)

The following is an illustration of how thousands of Kenyans have been getting conned by land selling companies who sell cheap, useless plots that are commonly disguised as prime parcels.

“Somewhere far from Nairobi , there is cheap barren wilderness lying Idle . Then Kamanu of Kamanu Properties Ltd gets wind of it from his “investment scouts ”.

Kamanu buys 2 Acres of the land for Sh.200,000 per acre from the peasant owner pretending to be working for a church based NGO. Kamanu Subdivides the land into 14 plots.

He plans to sell each plot for Sh350,000. If each plot is bought, Kamanu will make a kill of Sh. 4.5 million. But how will he sell the plots in the middle of nowhere? And to who?

This is how…

Lease a 42 Seater bus and fill it with 20 fake buyers. Each fake buyer is supposed to come with one potential buyer amounting to 20 potential buyers. The fooling line is “TRANSPORT AND FOOD IS FREE ” Each fake buyer is paid Sh. 5,000 per trip.

In total Kamanu spends roughly Sh. 140,000 per trip, that includes transport, food and fake buyers’ fees.

On site, the fake buyers are supposed to “show a lot of interest in the plots ” and the majority will buy quickly, giving out fake cheques to Kamanu on the spot for the full amount of Sh. 350,000 .

The target is to have at least 2 potential buyers duped into buying the plots . In total, Kamanu plans to have at most 7 such trips with different potential buyers but same fake ones. At the end Kamanu will have spent a total of roughly Sh1.4 million, including the price of the land and fake trips, Making a profit of Sh3.5 million within 2 months.

Whatever the buyers will do with those pieces of wilderness, it’s none of Kamanu’s business.”

Before david and goliath happened…

Thanks for the tip

Where is the con game here? If you buy a piece of wilderness and you have a title deed how are you conned? I thought conning ni kuuziwa shamba ya mwenyewe alafu mwenye anakuuzia anaingia mitini ama? Maybe I dont know what conning means!

You deserve a Pulitzer. Best investigative piece in EMEA.

I once attended one of such site visits and as we were being shown around the land, individuals would say “mimi nimechukua hii plot” and another one a different plot and I was surprised at the huge interest on the land and how fast the plots were selling, kumbe the aim was to dupe us innocent buyers to buy the plots in the middle of nowhere. Though we did eat 2 mbuzis at the site and there was free transport.

unless bypass itapitishwa huko mnamo 2087, hapo umechezwa kama guitar

Vile randy bonoko amesema

I suspected you were a balloon head, now you have confirmed

A nice plot to go and enjoy free mbuzi every Saturday

Asande. I was wondering if it’s just me but it seems Facebook algorithms keep routing me to such sites on Facebook. Every time I open, there pictures of people in some wilderness somewhere scouting these 1/8 plots. A truck behind them. 50k deposit , mara 150k deposit…

Ntawaambia mpaka nikufe: in Kenya the only safe investment that you can do on the side is to invest in Safaricom shares. Any other investment ni lazima ufanye full time and your chances of being scammed are ever present.

Sawa lakini shamba tunanunua tu

Buy from reputable SACCOS only

Watu wa diamond properties and mavoko, Isinya plots and greenhouses.

Only fools buy 1/8th acre plots in the midst of nowhere. Kama ni plot nunua pahali developed. But if you want a large farm you can buy even in remote areas.