buying from amazon

who has ever bought stuff from amazon and had them delivered?

i have some few questions
1 do they ship directly or ill have to use third parties long does the shipping take
3. is there a pick up point kama ki warehouse hivi
4. kuna clearance “fee”? mind you package ni less than 3kgs

any info will be appreciated


It’s much easier to use companies like Kentex cargo , savostore… etc

you might be right but there’s a reason why i want to deal with amazon

I also wanted to ask that question earlier in the day. For me, I’d like to buy books.

select the specific item on amazon and set the shipping to Kenya, kuna some products itakubali lakini mingi utapata “Does not ship to Kenya”.

Jaribu Kote Cargo wako fair from US $15 handling and $15 per KG, but from May this year they are not shipping any products with lithium-ion batteries or perfumes etc check their website…

The way it works you set the delivery address to their warehouse (US, UK, China, Dubai etc), then wata leta and handle kila kitu tax, customs etc. Ikifika huku utapata notification of the total cost that is handling fee+weight fee (thats it), then ukona option ya pickup from their office ama you have it delivered to wherever…


Kabla you make any order check their website incase they changed their diaspora address…

Most don’t ship to Kenya and those that do costs iko juu zaidi.

Look no further than @Kentex Cargo

so that generally like 3k already spent na bado sijabuy my stuff

time taken ni how many days

another question what happens in case of damage to goods?

Jicreatie one alafu ujibuyie fitu…wacha kusumbua

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Buying eggs are you?

Anyway, an invoice I got from Kentex had already included some insurance charge to cover for such occurrences.

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I use savostore for online stores that don’t deliver to Kenya, You just input their address and they bring direct to your doorstep .

Amazon does deliver directly to Kenya through your p.o Box. The catch is you have to use “Amazon International” not the normal Amazon

You can also use MALL OF AFRICA. It has all those stores and will deliver to you

For savostore it takes a week or so. For P.O Box to kenya it will take aprox 2months


At most 21 days by air 3 months by sea.

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use the filter on the sidebar and select “ship to kenya”
usually it’s a little pricey and they’ll take a deposit fee for customs.
your goods will slide though kiavocado

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I have bought CDs, books, electronics and computer stuff from Amazon since 1996, siku za 90k modems, never had a problem. Shipping to beyond US and Europen addresses will cost you heavily. Try local webshops first if in Kenya.

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I know we have had this discussion so many times before but what if you want to buy from china? Moreso from alibaba. How do you go about that?



Very accurate.

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Use any of the shipping options offered by the seller hapo kwa alibaba au AliExpress. They deliver to P.O Box as well. Shipping duration is indicated.

Befriend an American US embassy employee, use their FPO address to buy stuff from Amazon, enjoy free shipping charges.

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Unajua makona. Veve utaniunganishia lini? Ntakua TX soon