Buying a Black Hawk Helicopter

I want this kind of freedom… Does the Kenyan military even have such a helicopter?

We don’t have because we are a peaceful country.

Yeah absolutely. We dont go invading other countries. Except somalia, which is not a country. But we dont go invading other countries, thats the point.

Wariah walimaliza hii ndege uko kismayu …

:D:D:D what is it?

Animal zoo

Does the Kenyan military even [COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]NEED such a helicopter?

As much as America is obsessed with militarism unaweza ona the work they do and they are committed. Yaani huko wanaweza sema they want a jet to fly faster than sound and they’ll do it. Kenya our leaders na general population ni kama huwa hatuna akili. And the few smart people who make it either run away to these countries or become the biggest looters of public funds.

The pilot within wouldn’t mind the safety

Ona sasa huyu. How will we ever advance if we only use what we need. Do you think any military needs sonic jets or aircarriers or submarines or heck even a hummer than can drive smoothly and reliably in the desert. Juu Kenya ata kutengeneza gari tu ya polisi hatuwezi.

Nikiwa nominated MP na nunulia KDF kamoz K-52 na CDF. @sludgist hii attack helicopter ni pesa ngapi? Hebu niulizie Putin.


Local journalists obtained the rotorcraft insurance documents to count the Ka-52M unit price as 1 Billion and 75 Million Rubles, equalling [COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]around US$15M according to the current exchange rate. This figure does not include smart weaponry, ammunition, ground equipment, spare parts or other accessories.19 Oct 2021


We can’t afford these things and if we could, Uncle Sam would probably never sell them to us. I think even the countries the US sell jets and choppers to get “watered down” versions. Their engineers disable certain features and software or something like that, so what you get isn’t as good as what they use. Maybe @Silverback83 or @imei2012 can shed some light on the subject.