do you safely move money?

Bana! Ni kuchipanka my fren.:slight_smile:

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Hii Jubilee @spear anasifu hapa kila siku canā€™t come up with 8B to settle a CBA but can easily pay the Presidentā€™ s cousin 10B for useless containers which will never be usedā€¦so many good Docs have left like Nelly Bosire and Victor Ngeny the former officialsā€¦hongera for stayingā€¦I was reading somewhere that Nairobi county hadnā€™t paid Docs for 4 months and thatā€™s a good case in some counties itā€™s even worse ā€¦unbelievable and itā€™s because National Gvt hadnā€™t released Health care funds

Nkiwa fala fulani and working as a casual employee pale Kenya my female boss would summon me to her office. Hand me a big brown envelope filled with documents (or so I thot) . Tells me nifuate. Sisi hao out of building and across the road to Barclays bank. Once in bank she takes the envelope and am told asante sasa rudi office.

This would happen once every week my office mates ndio walinichanua ati jay unabebeshwa pesa not knowing and it was a lot of cash.

Why dont you make your business cashless compliant? eg mobile money payment like mpesa or better still visa or Mastercard acceptance #my two pesos

Utatoka naye aje? Utatupia kwa dirisha halafu ukicheck out urokote huko nje ukienda? :smiley:


Kuna majamaa hapo Kongowea market who dealt with cereals, walikuwa wanaenda bank tao around 2002,wakifika kwa teller unaona note counter kubwa ya brown imeletwa. Wacha hizo pesa zianze kutolewa kwa jackets, socks, kwa mabelt zianze kuhesabiwa! 1 hour minimum watoke hapo. Word had it they were banking almost 5M daily to their supplier based in Busia. Their unpredictability ndio ilikuwa inabore mateller. Jamaa anaingia wa mwisho, anatulia tu kwa queue. Akipatia teller slip, unaona tu ameboeka mbaya.

Anybank that worth its salt must have a branch in Kongowea nowadays, ile pesa hutembea pale si mcheso CC @Meria Mata @Tommy Lee Sparta


Yani ushawai kuna gala?

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Getting a safe gives employees the impression that you transact a lot of cash, probably more than you actually transact. This means that it will even make the shop an attractive target for armed robbery during the day and in your presence because they need you for the combination. If you were to ask me, any business with a safe probably transacts millions and is thus a sure bet for criminals if the owner is present to open the safe. Secondly, getting an armored truck/van to carry the cash only confirms to interested gangsters that the amount transacted is huge. With the van/truck, they are sure you have millionsā€¦so basically hawabahatishi. This will again shift their focus from cash in transit (since it is already guarded), to armed robbery where they feel it is less secure. Believe me that any attempt at the above two moves will send the message to robbers that you have their minimum robbery target. When millions are involved, things get complicated. Therefore, a safe and an armored truck will only convince robbers that you are a prime target, because you have the cash. Even thieves do their due diligence and determine whether the robbery is worth the sentence. If you assure them that you transact millions by hiring an armored van and getting a safe, they will think it is Christmas morning because I am pretty sure your business is not guarded by cops. They will just show up when you are present (to open the safe), force you to open it and drive off. The only lucky part for you here is that they need you alive to open that safe. Whether they leave you alive or dead largely depends on whether you saw their faces, or whether you are older than 3 to identify them in court which I bet you are.


Carry the money to the bank but also insure cash in transit.

simple get three trustable people gawanisha hiyo mbesha watake different routes lowers riskama ongea na G4S

Nimeongea na G4S wakaniambia for 2 trips in a day (morning drop-off and evening collection) they charge 3500/= Apparently the price is negotiable. Still even if it fikas 3k that is still a crazy high amount at the end of the month. Profits zote zitaishia hapo


Most often, national govā€™t releases funds but county misappropriates. Sometimes they fail to remit statutory deductions so unajipata uko na penalties za KRA (PAYE), bank loans, insurance premiums, etc whose deductions were made as evidenced by the payslip but not passed on to the respective institutions. Kwanza pesa ya NHIF imeliwa vibaya sana. Most donors have pulled out or wound down significantly for the same reasons.

Swali ni, huyu msee wako wa mtaa wa mpesa au agent wa ekwetee hupelekaje dough ile umemwachia kwa bank?


Google mediant international. Thank me later

dig a tunnel to the bank and throw the money. itafika safely. lakini kukiwa na earthquake sasa hatuwezi semaā€¦

Just be unpredictable uko tu sawa. Ikipita mita tafuta bag. I had a bag written ā€˜AP VCT awarenessā€™ nilikuwa natumia, but siku hizi na prefer mtu aweke a/c after some incidents.


Much easier said than done. What if itā€™s a busy midi-market, Mpesa or gas station?

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Yeah saw that system being used in t kiunga (lamu east) itā€™s a small island all business would take their money to a guy. Think they trusted him to take it and bank it in lamu where there is a bank