Business advice for online work, needed.

I am building a house listing website/platform,

I need advice from you guys.
How do I convince agents and home owners to post their property at the site.

I want to make it free for everyone to post as I come up with a good business strategy, Is that a goos Idea.

Incase I want business partners, are there any in kenya(considering I’ve just finished my college studies na kimfuko niko chini). na bado sijapata job.

Have any of you ever started online platform how did it fail/succed.

Amateur ngojeni tusikie.

'allo William… Eeh ni sisi… :D:D:D

I’ve been using this name ling beforenhao majamaa wajulikane.

It is not viable just quit

  1. first finish the site, you cannot sell anything that you are still working on!
  2. Do not ignore the power of social media, how do you intent on reaching those clients?, do you have a marketing strategy?
  3. Will you be doing newsletters from your latest house listings?
  4. Any business requires capital, be its for marketing or even a physical location where a prospective client can meet with you, even a meeting at JAVA will still cost you.
  5. How will you do the listings? will you do it yourself or will the client be able to do it for themselves? if its the latter how will you ensure quality of your listings?
