Typicial of African leaders Nkurunziza is a real and factual example of power greed!!! Kenyans have lessons to learn.
See how the EAC & AU are quiet? This is the malady that afflicts us. Nani atasema ng’we?
I think they EAC and AU are right in keeping quiet. Let them sort themselves out. At this stage, doing or saying anything will be meddling into people’s internal affairs.
EAC itself has the likes of m7 and kagame so they cannot be the first to point fingers.
AU is said to be working behind closed doors to have a quick solution to the problem
That’s the idea: to interfere in your internal affairs if you cannot be sensible enough to handle it yourself. Supposing, God forbid, the situation implodes who would bear the consequences?
This is a complex matter. The argument is whether the president should vie or not. It’s more of a legal problem. I wonder if EAC is to intervene, what they would tell the president. If the situation implodes, consequences will be borne by whoever organized the chaos.
Nkurunziza is a disappointment. That country will slide into war soon. I am sorry to say, but the cloud of war also hangs on other EAC countries like Uganda, Rwanda and S. Sudan in the not so distant future.
^^ EAC spring. The problem with african leaders is greed for power and corruption it is like a terminal disease that inflict them once they get elected.
I know what you mean. Most EAC leaders have no moral authority to intervene, unfortunately. By consequences here I mean refugees. The same guys who would rather not intervene would ultimately have to sacrifice their otherwise meager resources to host them. Still, I hope it doesn’t get to that level. Being the quintessential optimist that I am, I hope sense prevails.
We don’t have mature democracies in Africa that’s why AU prefers to keep quiet on most political conflicts that are complex. The African presidents see no need to throw stones when living in glass houses. What is happening in Burundi will happen to S.Sudan in July and can happen to any other African country. For Burundi it’s complex because the current problem is brought about legal interpretation of the constitution.
Yeah. The Great Lakes region is fucked.
Nobody exercises pure democracy, but our version of democracy as EAC seems to be more flawed…
Its all over Africa. In Egypt, Morsi who was democratically elected was overthrown and the high priests of democracy didn’t say a word
Say no more. That just about sums it up. Those we admire as mature democracies in the west have been at it for hundreds of years, if not millennia. Africa has mostly been independent for about 50yrs or so. In the general context of nation building, we are still in our infancy.
problem is not democracy but the belief by African president that they are entitled to presidency till death
This sums it up. Sikufanya history but am sure if I research well I’ll discover Europe and US had these problems centuries ago. All I remember is kitambo there was a queen in France called Mary Antoinette who was aloof and told the French people to eat cakes if they cant afford bread.
I dropped History in first term, form 2 but I still retain a keen interest in the same. Back in our college days, we’d often walk from KNH to the National Library at Community to quench our thirst for history.
European history is violent and tumultuous in ways you cannot imagine.
its not the leaders, its us. You will find such a president who disobeys the term limit clauses get support from parliament and may win fairly in elections.
When a guy steals an election we rally around him even giving up our lives to ensure he stays in power
Even when a guy looses in the elections fairly he will never accept defeat, instead we support them as they launch propaganda wars against institutions further weakening the fabric that holds a nation
In short the only liberation we need is that of the mind
“Kenya says it stands for free and fair elections but will not interfere with the goings-on in Burundi. Burundi is a sovereign country and what they decide at elections is what we will support.”…PS Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Picture this,Burundians kill each other then ICC decides to come for Nkurunziza’s @$$, that’js when African countries will be screaming that ICC is a Western Machinery there to exploit Africa. While N’nziza is busy raping the constitution,AU is busy sleeeeeeeeeping. Shame AU ! Shame EAC!