Budget TV, these deals you can't ignore!!!

Crazy, I say![ATTACH=full]192673[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]192674[/ATTACH]
This one is especially bomb!


Punctuate with this one…


Unasema nini bwana jubilee development programmes?

Niaje afande

TV tafuta ile nyani inaitwa uwesmakei.

nangoja analysts wachambue hii TV…

Haiya haier haier
Nimeziona Leo and I think ni meffi

Shifo wa ndurika, Fafanua priss…

Cheap is expensive

Not always sir, Wanaeza kuwa wanaziuza at a loss, just to market their product, ama namna gani?

Mûûgî nî mûtaare

Indo imwe ni hendaga kwirutira…
:D:D:D:D Haya basi, nunua hiyo ndogo utuletee reviews…


Haier is Indian and not Chinese. I think I can risk on the new brand based on the experience of a Haier fridge that I have been having for the last two years

Its called low pricing market entry strategy

Anything on offer I believe it’s of low quality, hawafai kuangusha bei ndio tununue wanafaa kutuonesha how good it is so that we can see that it deserves

nimesoma reviews sa hii TV pale consumer affairs, wacha tu niseme its a veeeeeery big gamble.

Polite reminder that this shill has not paid the advertising fee.

Anika hapa tujinice.

The quality is not that good. I used to sell the brand. If you view the screen from an angle, watu wanakaa kupakwa ash. It’s not full HD.

Which one would you recommend?