I have always said that churches in Kenya are just businesses such as bars. They need to be taxed and follow all the regulations.
Some broke SSa pastors have filed a case under certificate of urgency opposing the current lockdown that is affecting their businesses.
They want to be excepted.
For the legal minds in ktalk, what would happen if 1000 ktalkers applied to the court to be enjoined individually as either interested parties or friends of the court? I am thinking of 1000 extra submissions that will delay the case for two years.
Umetetea kanisa. How would you explain a pasta living in a palace sorrounded by a bazillion acres of land, yet the congregation lives below the poverty line. Shouldnt everyone benefit equally in kristu not forgetting kristu didnt have a house let alone a shack
this will be thrown out of the courts. If their petition becomes succesfull the all the schools should also be reopened . We have had peacefull sundays and nights since this ban came into effect.
Jesus warned us to keep watch for “they shall make merchandise of you.” False prophets and teachers have gone out into the world and if possible, they would deceive even the very elect.