Hapa naona two scenarios…first alete extension of presidetial terms to more than two terms
Au aseme he wants a prime minister’s post
In this two scenarios kenyans will overwhelmingly reject…except thurakus who will not want to embarrass Uhuru
For me its not a question of whether there will be a referendum or not… the questions is what changes they are going to suggest.
I also agree with @Alpha Male . Posts are going to be created (Ruto himself said having a referendum to create new posts issa no so that hints at what is gonna be proposed). Uhuru will not retire like Kibaki or Nyayo… he is still too young for that.
I dont think extension of presidential term will be on the cards. Rao would not have gone along with it
[SIZE=7]kama hii referendum ni ya kupungunzia punda mzigo am in. Lakini isikuwe ni ya kutafutia watu viti or to prolong his political stay hapa tunamtuma Gatundu aende akanyonye mamake matiti.
He he he Nitakuitia as soon as there is a new regime in place… nahapa si cheki.
Na ng’ombe ni @Punda ka wewe unaitisha pombe (kweli wewe ng’ombe) badala ya freedom