Breaking News... Closure of brothel

Our news room has just received reports that the brothel near Tea room, right at the corner, has been closed. The place has been turned into a regular lodging with no kungurus lining the corridors. The place has been in operation for many years and has served atleast two generations of horny City dwellers. For more details on this story lets join @Starscream who is live at the scene.


I as a witness and a hard-core fan of the facility report thats its fake news.

Now which are we left with

Itabidi mwuoe single mothers kama @Coronatities kujiondolea hizo mbegu tatanishi kutoka kwa makende yenu.

Or just chop off your balls like @poyoloko AKA @Sambamba . You will shift all those sexual urges to matters like athletics, gym, collecting stamps, collecting rare rocks, collecting rare soils, collecting rare coins etc.

What did the sign on the brothel say ?beat it !! we’re closed

Marehemu @Introvert used to disassemble a whole motorbike to kill those sexual urges. Sio ati analipwa but he refocuses his sexual urges on engines. Na unajua engine iko na parts ngapi.

Akiamua leo anachora cartoons anachomoa ile set yake ya biro zinaitwa rotring isographs from West Germany.

Anaenda kwa ile meza yake ya green iko na line za white. Anachapisha karatasi anaanza kazi. He was like a Jesuit monk. He had no time for the pu.ssy.

Ama anaita wahindi wanaenda bike race from Nairobi to Lodwar to kill their balls. Hio makende inafinywa na nduthi hadi inatulia inawacha nyef nyef.

Hapo Stage house nimedinya two of my most memorable whores…Amina and Hadija will live in my memory forever.

Along the way, the kid will know his biologigal father

Bora Sophia joy na Somerset kusifungwe

Ati marehemu??

Shit, niliona hiyo Sophia Joy recently. The lower part of the CBD has been turned into a whorehouse

Nothing new under the sun. A woman can never allow herself to starve while she has a pussy. Ukiskia ikiitwa the oldest trade…

Even Nairobi was built where it is because the white man building the lunatic express saw all those naked brown skin kikuyu and maasai girls giggling and bathing naked in the Nairobi River and he said, “Gentlemen this is where we shall stop. This shall be the railway headquarters. This is the place.”

Nairobi was a brothel even before the arrival of mzungu. They don’t teach that in school.

99% of Kenyan males left the village to come looking for those Nairobi girls. Nothing else. Usiwai danganywa sijui they wanted to build the economy…

@uwesmake alitoka Kamkuywa akuje Nairobi kuwinda kuma. Hio tu!!!

That Somerset looks like a den of thieves, a place you can be robbed from. Kwanza the traffic along that chum is wild

Siku hizi kuna cctv na security
