My penis is big. I have problems having sex with women because it can’t fit in most vaginas. Condoms are too tight.
umbwa ghassia takataka
Maumivu yakizidi kuongezeka tafuta ushauri WA daktari
And your sellf esteem is also fucked up.
Tafuta Samantha your size
Wenye mnaongeanga na mungu mwambieni huku murang’a mvua imetosha hatutaki ingine mpaka September. It has been raining from 11am.
Hats jug Daniels haiteremki mzuri kwasababu ya wasiwasi.
Marry a high mileage prostitute. Problem solved. Next!!
kaino wi wa Murang’a iriku? hwai yaura ingi dungu ma
Pussy so tight make nigga think his dick is big
DG Kirinyaga used to say the same till the whole world realised otherwise. Your day is COMING!
buy extra large condoms then fuck donkeys they can accomodate your deek
@Sogomba Sadamkale Let me quote what you normally tell other talkers “Your penis is small and brain vestigial”
Vagina ni kubwa sana bwana inatoshea mtoto! Unless your dick is 3-4kg. Ama you have been ferking insects?
I was in Mutheru (Kandara constituency) the whole of sunday coz one of my relatives has suffered a landslide. Nobody was hurt but wako na wasiwasi sana.
Have you tried a sow?
Drink codeine:D:D:D ndio uchizi uwache kusumbua wanakijiji
uliona Wamboco pale kwa plot. what’s the name of your relative. next time ukija niabie nitakununulia chai pale stage hotel na nikuonyeshe momo inaitwa jaynee iko na shop hapo beside hio hotel