[SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Kayole is burning after the Soldiers of Corruption AKA The Kenya Police killed a man for being outside after curfew hours.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]what the hell is happening in this country??[ATTACH=full]381006[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]381006[/ATTACH][/SIZE]


A failing state. Very sad

tuko hapo Harrys Tavern tunakula samaki

Jesus ni nini inasumbua hawa mapepo jameni. Kwani kuna agenda inaendelea ii nchi haileweki bana imetosha sasa. Yani polisi anakuchapa hadi ukufe kama mende ju ya curfew. Mtu ameishi 1,2,3 hadi 38 years ndo ukuje kumuua with impunity

2022 itakuwa mbaya, ule njaruo na mkale wataleta shida

Samaki za Harry’s chunga zinaweza kupea food poisoning ile serious. I dont like how the fry them halafu wanazianika hapo. Heri uende egesa update kitu fresh inapikwa on order.

Nani amekuuliza

Who wants to know your whereabouts

Wacha uongo hauko hapo

Jaruo akishinda sidhani rent watalipa,team building itafanya Nrb ikae Afghan .

Anakuinform place unaweza enda ukapate clients

Death to the D minus fools

Iyabidi uhuru amalize nambo ya curfew. If he has any sensible advisors, they will end the curfew. Uhusiano wa curfew na cobid hakuna mtu ashai tueleza. Even in countries like New Zealand and China that had total lockdowns there has never been a night time curfew. Nobody in this planet knows what night curfew and covid have in common

@johntez addi gaza msafi hebu confirm register kabla niwekee order ya nyama choma. Wewe i will kill you to save the government the expense which it will incur to kill you. Hio bullet heri itumike kwa alshaitan.

jamaa labda uko na brain tumor ukigongwa kidogo unapata aortic disection unadedi banae

watu wawache hii story za kugongana