BREAKING: Chinks warned by Biden

This is the only sane thing he has said in a long time after ruining Murica. Now let the Chinks bring war asap. This time Chinks lazima waonje nukes :D:D:D, then they would be our lifelong allies like Japan. @T.Vercetti


:D:D:D:D:D…he who pays the piper calls the tune

Tanks heading to Taiwan.


That’s all that Taiwan needs to keep their fellow Chinks out of their straits

His handlers wamesema he didn’t mean what he said and he would not by any means want to piss off his best friend China.



[SIZE=7]The White House had to row back Biden’s comments after he suggested the US would defend Taiwan from an attack by China[/SIZE]
Thomas Colson

October 22, 2021 12:35 PM

Biden told a CNN town hall on Thursday the US would defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack.
President Joe Biden speaks at the White House on August 16, 2021.

[li]The White House later clarified that the US policy of “strategic ambiguity” had not changed.[/li][li]China’s recent military activity has raised fears it will try to seize the island, which it considers its own.[/li][/ul]