Like a kawaida man every now & then I make wildly stupid decisions that leave me kicking myself in the foot. Like what the f**k dude?!
This one evening I went for a date with some fine mami at a Java in a nearby mall. We had met for the first time a week before at some corporate event.
36 minutes past the agreed time she hasn’t shown up. I finish up my dawa, pay the bill and walk out of the cafe only to bump into her at parking lot. She is dressed in a white tank top and ankara pants that fit her so perfectly. She profusely apologizes. We go back in and order for some food. After a few faulty starts we find a common ground. She turns out to be absolutely real, which is rare in a city where everyone is acting like their life is perfect.
At around 9pm. We decide to call it a night. I walk her home. Halfway there we stop. She dares me to kiss her under the street lights & sizeable human traffic. I grab & kiss her oblivious of our surroundings. I then dare her to accompany me home if she wanted some more.
Well that’s how we found ourselves stark naked at my place twenty minutes later. This miss oozes sexiness. Caramel flawless skin, long natural hair, tiny waist, flat tummy & a sizeable ass. She is the kind of ladies you see on the street & immediately get a boner. Totally DTF. Lucky for me she turned out to be an expert & passionate lover.
Sex is an art sometimes it’s pathetic and other times amazing depending on a number of factors. This night I happened to be in a very good mood. We started on the bed, moved to my desk, balcony, kitchen work-top & finally on the couch. She is the squirting kind so we had to move whenever the spot got too wet.
Usually it takes me about 20min to recharge my batteries but this woman was doing things to me that I would be back up in under 3 minutes.
On the next morning we are forced to take a break after I hurt my back while trying out some acrobatic move. My knees were also badly bruised for kneeling on the rug carpet without cushioning them.
She gives me her phone so I could send some pics to mine while she jumps into the shower. As I’m transferring the pics a WhatsApp message notification pops on the screen. It’s a reply from her friend.
Apparently, she had texted her pal about how amazing I was at the sack. She even graphical described a few things I did to her. This was because the pal had discouraged her from going home with me ati I look too young, inexperienced & a spoilt brat. My ego goes stratospheric high. A classic case of Mgema akisifiwa…I decide to check out other conversation to find out what other good things she says about me.
The things I saw have left me traumatized to this day. That was the first & last time I will ever go through a woman’s messages.
The other top conversations are from five other men and I was the sixth. Imagine she was sleeping with the five other guys at the same time. One of them is a mheshimiwa I see on the news once a while. The others live in Langata, Fedha, Kasa & Westy respectively. The most disturbing part is how the four guys bore a striking resemblance to me. It’s like we are all related because we are all of the same complexion, build, sense of style & even bore similar haircuts.
Halafu, the last message to each one of them was a reminder that they should send the amount promised ati ya rent, salon, new phone and other minor stuff. Mheshimiwa had already sent 20k & the rest had promised to send between 3-10k by Sunday.
Realising I’m number 6 on that list was the truly annoying. I could picture that potbellyed mhesh humping her then the other guys Mon to Friday before me on Sato. I promised myself I wouldn’t be on that list. Saa hio my member has completely shrinked.
Never before in my life have I been so happy and proud that I used rubbers all night long. That was the only comforting truth.
She came from the shower uncovered. I tried to brush her off but boy she was persistent. She used her tongue, whispering some things while fondling others and I was hard again. She assumed the infamous doggy position. I would like to categorically state that my heart & brain were totally unwilling but urges of the body proved stronger. I engaged her in a protracted combat despite my injuries.
Thereafter, she proposes that we have a purely Friends With Benefits arrangement claiming she wasn’t ready for a relationship having come from a serious one. All she wanted was good sex. She swore to drop me if I developed any feelings for her because all she needed from me was sex. She even suggested I get another girlfriend for the love stuff & dates.
I broke all the promises to myself that I will not see her. She was damn addictive. Despite all the red flags we met a couple of more times. Each time both of us would leave satisfied.
The most interesting part is how she never borrowed a single coin from me. Actually the times I went over to her place she spoilt me. And yes I let her spend cash on me and thought of it as me spending my income tax that mwheshimiwa siphoned off public coffers.
Four months after I dropped her I went to the VCT. I went again six months later. Both times I tested negative.
Going ahead to have a fling with this miss turns out to be my silliest decision in 2017.
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*Polite request to @admin @Deorro please don’t share this to FB or Twitter. Italeta WW III.