Courtesy of @Azor Ahai
Women are covert operators and experts at it. For long women do what they do because it was expected of them by society and viewed as a virtue.
This is the ONLY reason women are not overt with their sexual desires UNLESS she 100% percent knows you will want her back and you are in a private scene. This is why a woman will be more open to you if you are her crush. What they normally do is prompt you to make the first move so that they rationalize the guilt in them i.e. Even though I am attracted to you as a WOMAN, we wouldn’t have fucked had you not pressed for it as a MAN.
TRUTH: Women are way hornier and enjoy sex during intercourse way more than men.
The lack of knowledge in this truth is why 99% of men think women have only one ORGASM per intercourse like us men. Women have multiple orgasms that occur withing short intervals depending on how much she is excited by you and so by implication, your dick i.e. SHE REALLY REALLY LIKES YOU implies SHE REALLY LIKES YOUR DICK whether 5 or 9 inches, thick or thin.
Bonus: Whilst after a breakup a man will need either a backup chick, a loose ex or a whore to get fucking immediately, a woman just needs to know she left the relationship with her pussy still attached to her thighs and can get a one night stand from a rando way hotter and more moneyed than her previous guy.