
The way to development is not benevolent dictatorship neither is it colonisation (2nd coming for bonobos like @Ndindu alias @Hacktivist).Neither is it opening numerous factories and building infrastructure that are next to useless to the average citizen.The first step is a well fed nation,then a healthy nation which gives us human resource.I’m talking agriculture which brings us to step two.Education making sure the average individual has enough knowledge to kick out ignorance.God gave people the understanding of good or bad,the average bonobo can be concluded as not a creation of God.They keep making bad decisions (politically)and I’m a victim.Industrialisation can only come after this all is realised,let’s break it down.

1.Agriculture/human resource_agriculture not only provides food but also raw materials for industries also in health herbs are used in making medication.Some bonobos think pills and such are alien made.Healthcare ensures a strong nation
2.Education and infrastructure to facilitate it_This will ensure a skilled work force.Also research stems from learning. And scientific research is the way to development. Infrastructure comes to ensure movement of people and produce.Also organized housing and city space is of importance.
3.Industrialization comes here and really smoothly after step 1&2
4. development in military to protect sovereignty and the nations wealth also to unnecessarily disturb competition to stay ahead.Takes a healthy nation to have a good military.Education plays its part(all types of smarts)
5.Great choice of head of state after all ethnic difference are put aside
6.Kill house niggas like they did in Haiti first to ensure your plans can push through.

PS. Just a message to the bonobos(my opinion)

Many mathematical and scientific discoveries in early history happened in Asia(middle east,India,China) North Africa in Egypt.If you actually know some history.Europeans really got ahead because of competition amongst nations and their scholars were actually interested in research(further education/learning outside your daily usual studies).Europeans are also great explorers after the death of Arab exploration which was African,Mediterranean and Asian mostly.But still you have to admire their scientific development if you open your mind and not always be racist.(Anyone(race) can be racist).

Africans wako backwards in technology mpaka no country has built an SGR without involving foreign expertise to do it for the Bonobos

You left out affordable healthcare