[SIZE=6]Bonfire Adventures’ CEO Simon Kabu Accused Of Exploiting His Employees.
[SIZE=4]Simon and Sarah Kabu of Bonfire Adventures have been exploiting their employees by subjecting them to ludicrous penalties that the ‘Range Rover’ gifting couple amend at will, Kahawa Tungu has learnt.
According to an internal dated October 4, 2017, money lost by the company due to a staff member’s omission will be recovered from their monthly salary.
Mtu kama amechoka na kazi awache, just shows you can’t please everyone, no matter how hard you try. Those of us who’ve employed people know how much of a pain in the ass they can be. As owner, you put in up to 16 hours daily, then some fool who shows up at 9am and leaves by 6pm starts complaining about being overworked. Jaribu kwa muhindi, ala!!
Sales is a talent more than papers. Its a skills set you learn with experience more than schooling.
Their are workers and employees. One has self motivation and needs zero supervision. Employees are there to clock out their time and forget about everything in that instant until they get their wages.
Simon Gabu has 150 staff and he is dealing with a few employees clocking in and out while expecting to be getting the same dues as workers.
I would advice him to start off with 6 months contracts to new employees to see their work ethics. After that they can be absorbed to full time staff.