BOMET: The Unraveling

Toa hii propaganda ya Itumbe hapa

Kuna watu sioni hapa

four weeks to go

Hii thread haifikishi threshold…UOTP a minority in Ktalk too, kweli RWNEBP.

Unfortunately…Raila will be denied By IEBC…The question of bogus voter register will haunt him for ever

Hii thread haifikishi threshold…UOTP a minority in Ktalk too, kweli RWNEBP.

Legal redress can be sought before and after the elections regarding the shoddy register. The way this one is so blatantly flawed, mtu asifikirie that swearing in will be done immediately chebukati announces the Victor. Sanctity of the vote should be upheld, even if it means a delayed poll.

Si utafute bwana akufikishie threshold nani, uwache kutupayukia hapa.

Unajua shida ni These Chebukwati goon is driving the narrative that we “have no time” the date is “set on stone”. All this time chiloba who is the real Jubilee insider has been sitting on these issues… Raila is likely to walk into a trap…The CJ has already hinted

37 days to RWNEBP.

The winner of this election is so obvious that i don’t find it exciting, 2013 was more heavily contested. They say in greek ’ ii kuhitia na mugui ndirathaga na njoa’. Watu wa nasa relax, and wait for year 2022. Poleni sana, hii ni ngumu tena sana actually it is almost impossible

Mwendete gutumira thimo cia gikuyu ûûru.

At the end of the day Uhuru will have the presidency and Raila will have evidence…And for the sake of “peace” and national intrest he will be asked to go home

Ouch. God forbid. The people might have a say about this just like they did in the US where Hillary, aided by Obama, tried every trick in the book to get the presidency. Wacha tuone.

We ndugicitumire wega kana he mundu ugokaniitie?

yesterday was in migori but i must telll you i saw people coming from as far as homabay being ferried in pickups and lorries to the Rally

Raila’s Campaign has no extra money to do such a thing…Hata T shirts are very few. Simply ukiona mtu amekuja rally ya RAO jua ni by conviction…Jubilee on the other hand watu wanaflock kuchukua tshirt na other stuff

You must have seated at a vantage point to see all this while in migori. Good for you.

Watajua hawajui. :D:D

Mukischesa hi mkutano itakwisha!