Do something.
Making you understand basic logic is usually very hard work. But slowly slowly we’ll get there. I’m hoping you understand what ageing population is??
Lakini najua ni kama kuambia mawe. Hata najua utasema that is another fake theory invented by uncle sam because he hates China.
Peope are popping out kids like it’s a sport. We all love sex. Sex is a human right and we all love f*cking. Lakini please use a condom and family planning. Have only a few kids for your peace of mind. Having many kids is the most stupid thing people can do in this unforgiving world. Raruaneni lakini with protection au family planning.
If she starts an Mpesa pay bill i will send her something.
True. This smell staging from high heavens
Sterilisation incentive programs are bonobos only hope
I don’t know where you got the impression that I support ‘unfettered immigration’. I just think building a wall is dumb, populist and waste of money. This is not Babylon.
American healthcare system could use that wall money.
I donate when I can. But that does not rob me the brain to see when something is rotten.
No child chooses to be born in those conditions. What that woman and others are doing is a crime against humanity.
Nobody should be allowed to give birth more than twice until they show proof that they can take care of their kids.
If it came to a vote, I would support forced vasectomies and contraception.
The rest of the country should not suffer because you could not put your family in order.
In journalism, re-enactment is a common thing. It’s not staging as you put it.
When a Powerball winner scratches his ‘winning’ ticket in front of the cameras, that’s reenactment.
This is a very sad situation that we as Kenyans should learn from. Children never choose to be born, you do. So you should plan to give them a comfortable life.
We should change our approach to birth. Having many children is not a crown.
Religion is also messing up by discouraging family planning and use of condoms. Sober people should be able to discern what’s right from what’s wrong, even when they go to church.
The Chinese are very merciless with their people. Hata hii lockdown ya corona, they were very brutal with their people and also foreigners. I used to defend China but i will no longer do that. Those people can go to hell.
We will assist where possible and help her get some food for her children. That’s the Kenyan spirit.
But it is also a lesson to people on childbirth. Giving birth is your right. No child chose to be born, so they honestly don’t deserve to suffer.
Family planning is a must. Churches should stop discouraging it. Our culture should also go with the times, giving birth to many children you can’t provide for is a no. Unlike before, these days a child is your child and not the community’s
Do you not realize that other races/countries have never and still do not need you coming to their defense?
You’re preaching to rocks.
Nice words won’t convince horny people.
Kenya needs to make ruthless policies before we’re all fucked.
You see, one thing you need to understand is how Kenyan mind operates. Something that current crooks in media houses have mastered and are exploiting on every newscast. "sensationalization" of the content to tickle our wicked conscious. You need to ask yourself 1st. Who in their sane mind would go out, [correct firewood, light fire, get water, boil stones]: read effort. You see where the problem is? brother-man. Yet it makes to our newsroom with flashy headlines.
Says who?
If i become president, the first thing is to ban having three children unless you can pay for the health and education insurance for the three children upto to university. I will also deal ruthlessly with churches than discourage family planning and condom use. Kwanza catholics. We need a president who doesn’t care about being unpopular and serving for one term but sweeping this house clean.
I would like to see the day someone would come out in the open to give true statements like I want to invade this and that country for oil or I want to kill people to reduce the population but that won’t happen. people will always use polite words to hide their true intentions. (so I hope am wrong in thinking that they want to kill existing and not stop new births)
reducing the number of kids or limiting to one is a brilliant idea but it’s still treating the symptoms and not the disease. one can be able to take care of one child today but should they lose their job then the story might be different. lets tackle the poverty issue and why some people might be worth billions will some have to work two or three jobs to take care of themselves leave alone a family.
This is truly a sad state of affairs. Is it that they believe having that many kids increases the chance of getting out of poverty, when one of the children “makes it”? Well, the problem with beliefs is that they’re just that, beliefs.
Ni heri kuwa na watoto wawili ambao utaweza kuwapa maisha bora. Kuongezea zaidi bila ya kujua vile utawakuza ila kwa matumaini ni kuwatesa hawa viumbe wa Maulana.
Was family planning available to her?
Bei ya P2 iko juu sana kwake
Abortions are illegal
Tubal ligation are super expensive for her.
Condoms aren’t widely distributed for free
Come to think about it, was she even educated about these basic facets of biology?