Boiling Stones To Trick Hungry Kids... Bill Gates Wanted Urgently

I’ve been hearing many arguments here that we should give birth as much as we want.
One person even told me that Africans should give birth to 100 kids each. :oops::oops:

That Bill Gates should be prosecuted for his ‘depopulation’ advocacy.

They don’t even understand that Bill Gates campaigns for reducing the growth rate, not killing those already born.

How do you justify a mother cooking stones to trick her children that there is food. From the video I counted 6 children.


She gave birth to the kids into poverty. Didn’t stop at one, didn’t stop at two or three. Though I sympathize with her, most of this suffering could have been avoided if she planned her family.

And the cycle is endless. Social mobility is very rare especially among the lowest of classes, even in the US. Meaning her kids and their kids have a very high chance of remaining in poverty in perpetuity.

While most will blame the government, I think it is everyone’s personal responsibility to take care of their offspring.

Giving birth to children you can’t afford to give a decent life is a disservice to all of us. How are we ever to develop if we have half the population not contributing anything, yet they are using the same infrastructure as everyone else.
How can we develop if we have to pull up and wait for 90% of the population.

It’s time people listen to the wisdom of Bill Gates, instead of immersing themselves deep into YouTube conspiracy theories.
Also, remember most of those conspiracy theories are not created by Africans, but by Americans looking for YouTube views and Adsense money.


Africans are still thinking in the mode of the past where children were had by elimination method due to high mortality rates. Child survival rates nowadays are very high, we need to wake up to this new reality.

Umetoka hio thread ya zambarau ama?

Boss, Kenya added 10 million new souls to its population in a span of just one decade. With the limited resources we already have, it’s frightening to imagine how the situation will be in 2050 when we’re projected to hit 95 million. Truly frightening. These people breed like rats but always find other parties to blame for their poverty. Oh, landlord mbaya ametufukuza, oh serikali haitusaidii… Watu watachangiwa hadi lini? Disgusting.

But in all truthfulness that was a very sad and depressing story. Coast has suffered a lot of marginalisation over the years halafu Joho hapo na Kingi ni selfie tu na slay queens kila siku.

The problem with this thread is that the guy who has posted it @Kennedy Maina is a Ruto supporter. The idea behind the thread was to show how Uhuru has failed.

But the question I ask is kwani isn’t Ruto your candidate, still the DEPUTY PRESIDENT of Kenya? Are you trying to lie to Kenyans ati he will only save the country when he becomes president right now his hands are tied… that is bull shit.

Average number of children per woman is decreasing. It’s mostly the North Eastern counties with high birth rates. Soon 50 percent of Kenya will be Somalis

I can imagine the conversation with the reporter went.
“haya anza kuboil mawe camera ina record”

Kila mtu anayetaka kuzaa kama mchwa asaidiane na watu wa ukoo wake kama wataweza.

You’re just delusional.
The idea of the thread was about the conspiracy theories that Bill Gates is depopulating Africans with vaccines.
Politics was very far from my mind.

And I’m not a Ruto supporter. Kenyan politics is a borefest and I’ve decided not to engage in it until next election.
Right now I would prefer following Trump and Biden battle it out.

Hihihi :D:D:D
Maina is being a tad hypocritical talking about curtailing people’s rights to give birth as they wish. Isn’t unfettered immigration also a “right?” The solution is so simple. Maina and his middle & upper class friends don’t pay enough taxes. If they did, this poor woman would have enough resources to feed, clothe, house and educate as many children as her womb can sire.

By the way did you read those two articles on China and Japan’s ageing population ?

Of course you didn’t why even ask.

Both countries are suffering from serious infertility. By 2050 China might not have workers for their factories. In Japan, rural villages are practically empty dead towns. Schools being shut down. Zero citizens. By 2100 Japans population will have decreased from 123 million to 86 million or much lower.

In Kenya young guys are refusing to get married; very afraid of kids. Most people are getting 1 or 2 kids unlike their grandparents who had 8 or 9.

What I’m I saying? I’m saying you and Bill Gates should stop playing God.

You are not the creator or determinor of population size.

China tried to control the population with 1 child policy but today they are crying.

Boy children outnumber girl children in China due to one child policy. Men have nowhere to get wives. They pay money online to watch girls play musical instruments. And the girls only seek to be married by rich suitors. A similar scenario playing out in Kenya.

In China today the govt. is pushing girls to get children early because they can see the writing on the wall. Meanwhile the Chinese youth don’t want to work in rural factories and those factories are the backbone of China’s economy. Tafakari hayo.

Niaje Homo_Scarlet. LOckdown unepeana Q ama aupeani

30% tax rates, on top of the VAT, fuel tax and everything else in between.
Kenya is a poor country. Even if we paid 100% tax, we can’t have enough to take care of a woman and her 6 children.
We’re not like Uncle Sam. We can’t just print money and hand over $1200 checks.

There were some forced sterilisations by Indira Gandhi’s regime in India in the late 60s and 70s and also a certain Western NGO encouraged China to adopt the population control laws and those CCP guys were brutal. Forced abortions were done on women who conceived for a second time.

[SIZE=7]Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The REAL EVIL - Bill Gates & Robbie F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Two Heads of the Same Coin[/SIZE]

The problem with your threads is they never end. And bringing old threads into new topics.

Today, one factory worker can do the work of 10 in 1920.
In 2120 or even before then, it is likely one factory worker will do the work of 10 today.

You are talking of an ‘ageing population’ as if they’re not developing robots at at breathtaking pace.
50 years from now, the issue will most likely be joblessness, not lack of workers.

A whole assembly line can be automated.
The robots making the products are also made by other robots.

Very sad story

Boss, umeanza kunishtua

“Even if you paid 100% tax.” Well, why don’t you try first instead of quickly dismissing this potentially viable solution? Uncle Sam’s financial collapse is imminent because of pandering to everyone’s financial whims. Conversely, since you support unfettered immigration of poor people out of the cleanest kindness of your heart, have you considered Mpesa? After all, these are your fellow Kenyans, perhaps your distant relatives. Then why do you grumble? You can easily donate your savings to and have the front row seat in making a difference. It is the noble thing to do. If she wants to give birth to 25 kids, after all that’s her reproductive right. You can’t take that away from her. Every kenyan just needs to step up to the plate and assist with their own money. Y’all are just toooo rich. No one should be saving money for the betterment of his or her future when their fellow countrymen are eating stones for dinner.