Board defies CS, says Netflix streams immoral content, threat to national security

[SIZE=3]Do you think these guys will banish Netflix in Kenya?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]

umeffi at its best. Netflix is optional. U subscribe if it entertains u na kama unaona ina uchafu then don’t subscribe…kapish. Hii mambo ya kutreat kenyans kama ni watoto wako shud stop. Go make such rules in your own house kwa watoto na bibi yako brarry


Wangeanza na redtube na xvideos, all you need is the url. Being led by goats. Doublefacepalm.exe


hidden hand ya dstv haikosi hapo


Unless they ban internet they cannot ban what the masses choose to watch Netflix or not


Waache upuus. Hao wazee mbona wakuwanga nyuma hivyo? Their posts should be taken by youngsters who understand this stuff.


I hope wasilete hii upus when Deadpool premieres. That movie has been rated R

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Ezekiel Mutua is just deluded.

Naongoja, remember the wolf of Wallstreet how it was trending? Free publicity for netlix.

old kenyan people logic “lets ban netflixx” spend the day listening to traditional music watch 60%kenyan content that sucks as fcuck and talking sht about this gen these fuckers wanafaaa kupeleka upuss----------------------------->na multichoice ifungwe pia kama netflix inaenda

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Kenya film communication board,communication authority,ntsa,my,landlord,police,dstv,sfcom,my neighbor…tht old whining talker,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!

ata my ISP banned torrents na bado niko mbaya. hii kuban ni futile exercise