Blended family nonsense..

@TrumanCapote kam hia and help me understand this gobbledygook from your BEST FRIENDS. My head hurts already…:mad:

Summary? After a short watch, it’s about co-parenting? What’s the problem?

Blended families are the inevitable future despite their obvious disadvantages.

We live in a deregulated sexual marketplace meaning that there will be more divorces in future.

Women have 100% control over reproduction and in a deregulated marketplace, they will keep trying to “upgrade” hence breaking the family structure down.

Today, with a flashy instagram, you can smash 90% of all married women. Since men are wired not to condone female infidelity, divorces are unavoidable.

A woman with multiple children doesn’t really have a choice to be honest. No man without children will entertain her so her only two choices are staying single or a blended marriage.

I can’t understand what these women think, this is some cringy shit!!


After googling what a blended family is. I now understand that if for whatever reason you are left with you and your kids minus hubby. You may be forced into a blended family. Be careful with dissing the blended family.

Spare us this senseless MGTOW rhetoric. 75% divorce is initiated by women. The greatest factor for marriage of a single mother is her wealth since useless men of nowadays are looking for easy life. If you are loaded and willing even with 5 kids you will have more suitors especially single child free young men than you know what to do with. The upgrade is before a woman becomes a wife and mother. After that unless you are very loaded there’s no real upgrade unless you are a second wife or concubine.

BTW are all married women on Instagram? I thought that’s an app for socialites and very young people?

blend family ndio ngani? ile ya kukula kuku + kifaranga + mayai?


Ukiona jina marriage as a man unajua tu you are the one that’s gonna be fucked.

Blended or not, ikiumana mwanaume ndiye ataumia. Am against anything that puts a man in a situation where he will be raising kids that aren’t his.

It’s true. Even though I kinda think marriage is on the horizon for myself. Unlike the married men here who fake it, I am open to admitting, going that route is a disaster waiting to happen for most men. First, just the mere fact that you are thinking about getting married, whether you know it or not, accept it or not, you are simping. Why would you willingly give up a harem to stick to one? I’m aware there are countless men who say their vows knowing full well they are lying, but in my opinion those aint really men, just jerks with a dick. For a real man to agree to get married, is by definition simping.

TLDW summary priss


Did you watch all of it?

I am not a supporter of such blended families. The little black girl is running away to her dad’s because she cannot fit in. The mum is in it for herself and has spent the entire time justifying her selfish action…that of remarrying again. The white dude is busy justifying himself too…that the 10 year old is running away from a structured routine!!! Nway…it is the direction the world is taking…:confused:.

Jojina has side stepped giving her view because she believes this woman has done well by re-marrying a jungu. Hakuna watu mi hurumia kwa hii dunia kama mixed race kids.:mad:


Fuck blended families…Once people turn 30, ndio their real nature starts to come out. Too toxic and petty competitions within.

mimi singo madha ako na watoi dem wenye wamefika 15 years i can blend with the singo madha

Yes 100%!!! did you watch the video? Just ask Lewis Hamilton or our well known EPL mixed race players. Let me not even describe the life commoners endure…
Nope not anything I would impose on my children…na kwanza tuseme vile I have black kids alafu niongeze baba mzungu na watoto…NEIN.

Baba ni baba my dear, don’t be a racist. Better a good step dad white or yellow than a dead beat black dad. To me black families especially after breakups and mother’s black bum excon boyfriend are the worst. This one’s on the video hawajui shida. Go to Lynn Ngugi YT watch the story of Mitumba man. To know what kids without dads go through in Kenya.