Conveniently retreating to the color cocoon whenever something doesn’t favor them
Only that, the cocoon doesn’t result in them being better …like in insects …it makes them unachieving cry babies
White and brighter skin people have rights too
Funny thing, they call out race issues but keep buying skin lightening creams …date yerro yerros
It’s hilariously mind regressing
It’s not always about race
Be objective
Otherwise the rest of the world will pass you by
The only reason pockets of other races individuals support you ni ju they want you to keep mark-timing there while they earn from your situation [ATTACH=full]372663[/ATTACH]
We wuz Kangs and kings
Ohh bollocks!
Finally, nunueni viwanja and don’t hate on women who had children with men too stupid to step up.
Further, stop hating on us who see their worth beyond what they went through
Great points, until you got to the point about a woman with children from a stupid man. Like father like son. Those children are going to be stupid like their dad. Who wants to be involved? Saw the video yesterday? A breathless man from going at it with his step son? Men deserve a life too. Let them be.
Other than your mharo nonsense, did that biiitch Shailja Patel pay Tony Mochama for falsely accusing the latter of sexual offence? Any man who quotes that woman should be treated as a low scum and filth of earth.