Black Tax

vile ule jamaa ya 150 atasema. Nguvu ya kubembeleza bonobos munatoa wapi

The skill of not giving a fuck is not bestowed on to many. Fears of letting down people, or the fictitious curses from parents imefanya watu wawe easily manipulated.

Some parents are so mean. It’s always about them

Ulitoa wapi nguvu ya ku join groups za wamama FB? What a fakin fagget. :meffi:Muncher…ati wewe ndio Top Fan kwa groups za mamake bobo na kilimani mums… .what a looser…usiwai taja ati wewe ni mgtow hadi umee mabolingo

It could be the parents do not get financial help. Sasa watakula pesa ya kujenga nyumba.

Kutumia watu kama hao pesa ni kama kazi ya kupaka kuku cutex

The day you will live a life free from impressing people is when you’ll live a life full of freedom. That family of yours will immediately look the other way when you go broke.

If he so much of a giver and had planned that from before, he should just give them the 1M and let the parents fuck themselves up.

Be nice

Waambie uko tu na hio loan ya 1 m wajaribu kumaliza hio hao Doo ingine haitapatikana karibu

Ancestors of @Nipe Nikusifu alias @Weyn were practicing lgbtq chieth as normal people were learning engineering

Watume Pics za Whatsapp sponsor aone Progress. Parents are very difficult. They like doing with your money what they want. Bila apologies

Bonobos cant reason completely.

Unfortunately you will end up getting more frustrated

Fukusa Burukenge should be a common unit in all university programs.