Damn, I loved this show. Now this is the story… TV ain’t what it used to be.
White liberals are racists in a different font.
The soft bigotry of low expectations !
This is even worse than all out racism because if it infiltrates the so called oppressed it’s hard to get out , that is what BLM and Hollywood has done making every excuse for blacks behaving badly . Liberals have succeeded in putting blacks in chains without them even realizing it !
First off the Fresh prince of Bel Air was just a comedy that doesn’t reflect real life. I can’t believe people fall for such rubbish.
This notion that black Americans are all anti-education is pure claptrap.
Deceptive videos such as those created by Ami Horowitz are believed only by ignorant people.
Republicans themselves have admitted several times that voter ID laws are created in order to suppress votes from minorities and young people.
Its not a war, it’s an intellectual discourse. Comedy and various other forms of entertainment put through messages that may not be so palatable otherwise.
Its rubbish to you bcz you are an emotional thinker not a critical one. There are categories of black men such as the street dude like fresh prince from the streets of Philly that got too hot for his mommas liking (its in the rap song at the beginning) and then the educated lames like Carl? His cousin from Belair. Lames is already a pejorative label connoting lack of swag and coolness and belonging in the African American community.
So you are basically saying that some black American people behave badly?
So what ?
Many Kenyans are incredibly corrupt. Many Kenyans are tribalists. Many Kenyans are thieves. Kenya is full of murderers.
You can find faults like this in every race and in every nationality.
Before any Kenyan accuses black Americans of anything, they should first self reflect and acknowledge the problems that exist in our own country which is rotten to the core.
What makes Kenya worse is that we cheer the tribalists, murderers and corrupt leaders and we vote for them over and over. You will never find black Americans cheering and electing inept , corrupt and murderous leaders.
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]You can easily make a similar video like this that highlights the rotten portions of Kenyan culture if you want to make people hate Kenyans. That is the goal of people who make such videos.
People who make videos like these are bigotted. People who fall for such videos are ignorant or are incapable of self reflection. The very same people who cheered for the January 6 rioters that killed cops are the very first ones to tell you how bad black Americans are. SMH
The people who make these videos are likely trump supporters.
Trump is a relentless liar, who gropes women, cheats on his wife, laughs at disabled people, cheers dictators, surrounds himself with criminals, is a conman etc etc.
And these trump supporters have the audacity to talk about low expectations.
I know there is some nuance to the voting and all the gerrymandering that happens in politics to suppress minority voters , the point I was making is liberals tend to infatilize blacks. Some time ago there was an article on how whites changed their vocubulary to a simple one whenever they were joined by a black person or keep trying to tell them what certain words or phrases meant during the converstaion , this comes from a good place but sadly it’s ignorance, the white savior syndrome is a real thing !
You believe almost anything you read. Eti simplify vocabulary. Some of you have jokes. :D:D:D
Kwanza black American women are very eloquent.
Sounds like you get all your info from right wing media.
Yes the very right wing Yale University
I read that article. It has nothing to do with INFANTILIZING as you suggested. It says that politicians change their language depending on who they are campaigning in front of. This is is true everywhere. Oprah Winfrey is a black woman. When she campaigned for Barrack Obama in 2008, she spoke ebonics to black audiences. When she speaks on her TV show, she speaks in a language that her white audience understands.
In Kenya, when Sonko is campaigning in Eastlands, he speaks Sheng. When he speaks on KTN or KBC, he speaks in Kiswahili sanifu. When a Mugikiyu MP is campaigning at home, he speaks the local dialect. On KTN or Citizen TV, that same politician will speak in proper English. And so forth.
Tailoring your language to the audience is not racist or tribalist. A politician who does not tailor his language appropriately will lose the election. That research paper was a waste of time. In fact it was misguided. The paper was likely not peer reviewed. Sadly right wingers use such rubbish research for their propaganda.