Africans are black
The Aboriginal Australians were black
The Adivasi people (Native Indians in India) were black
The Andamian Islands people are black
Some Native Americans were black
Papua New guinea citizens are black
The past of the world was black. The future will be black. Believe!
here we go again …another foolish black man thinking he is superior to other black people & their culture coz he thinks he is a white man in black skin , uncle tom cheza chini !
‘A picture is seen of how people from Ethiopia help make life easy for them.The Suri tribe which is found in Ethiopia belives that for cow to produce more milk, you must “eat” its private part and caress its udders. This sounds like a joke but they have been using this method for ages and they said it has helped them get more milk for themselves.’
[SIZE=6]… this is a tried and tested method , if it worked for them shida yako ni gani ?[/SIZE]
colonization was unsustainable for the whites since africans were stubborn,resilient and brave otherwise we could also have been anihilated like the indians, aborigins etc … africa could have been white people’s countries.
Colonization was unsustainable because it was too expensive for post WWII Britain/Belgium/France to maintain. Our resilience and bravery served more as an inspiration to ordinary Africans than a genuine threat to the Western world.
[SIZE=7]Yes the past was black…actually , the whole world was inhabited by black people before the genocides began . check the third photo carefully[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7]1. kiti ya king tutankamun[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7]2. they call them sijui …the father of medicine, mathematics,philosophy… na walisomea hio mambo khemet/egypt :D:D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7].[/SIZE] [SIZE=7]3. Hii itabidi ujisomee hapa mwenyewe[/SIZE]
All the world first civilisations were black.Thats a fact nobody can change and no one can take that from black people.The evidence is all over the world, from the Olmecs, to India , to budhaa all charcoal black.In fact when God or whatever you want to call it ,created man he created a blue black human being.These are the facts people don’t want to confront but the evidence is everywhere you look.
Yes , black man had spread all over the world… australian aboriginals are proof … if bado huamini …here is a very entertaining scientific presentation showing how black people migrated allover the world , only to be annihilated from 3 continents through mass genocides …sasa tumebaki kwa continent yetu moja na bado tunafinywaa…
[SIZE=6]how i wish africans got this point ![/SIZE]
Mansa Musa started travelling the world showing off his wealth. When the black moors who moved to europe and took their craft to the cavemen.
Neanderthals being genetically lords of war , used the knowledge in the making of weapons. .Came back here started slave trade, they couldnt keep up. They had to economically enslave us so colonisation, berlin conference and here we are…neocolonialism , vaccinations, braindrain, corrupt leaders ,divided borders tuko hapa sasa