Black people were,are,will continue to be wise

The white people claim we as black people are primitive because we never had a written script.That is disputable but the point is:

Our people valued face to face interactions, passing down the demonstrable knowledge.

They were ,are right, will continue to be because modern developments show its incorruptible.

our people were wise, we are wise, future black generations will continue to be wise.

@TrumanCapote xoxo


Are you on drugs?

We blacks have superior genetics compared to whites. We emerge from the womb looking like athletes. We can be exposed to the sun without wearing silly sunscreen chemicals because our dark skin is too powerful…

We also have a higher sense of morality compared to whites. We don’t invade other countries and force them to speak our language. Because we are not bullies!

The only issue we have is integrity, and the white man has taken advantage of this.

A bonobo like @Josto_Bwaku can sell out his entire clan in exchange for some githeri. It means he is cheap and has a price…

i think.does that require drugs?