Black Americans and Reparations: The True Story...

I am 100% sure that the white man can end poverty among the Black Bonobos in USA and possibly help the Bonobos create generational wealth. But sasa juu Bonobo ni Bonobo, awe ako Mzansi au Murica, Akili hakuna. A Black bonobo anafikiria about tumbo pekee na afikiri about what tomorrow holds. Nikienda Murica mnamo mwaka wa 2022, tutashirikiana na @patco kupinga zaidi Bonobos wasipatiwe reparations juu watawaste doo yote. :smiley:


Wewe @patco nilikuambia the solution to end poverty in Blacks is not ā€œ40 acres and a muleā€ principle which is now repackaged as repatriations. As long as a Black person doesnā€™t have access to white Capital, a share of white capital, thereā€™s no poverty one is eradicating. I can give someone a free mansion house, but a year later he will be back to poverty. I mean how will he pay taxes on the house.

Solution ni?

Access and share of capital. This amounts to a whole book.

The best reparations is to improve ghetto school, strengthen families, retrain and employ black thugs, and reduce single motherā€¦ among many. Both huge money and psychological/social training is needed!!

Itā€™s more than money to undo more than 200 years of marginalization.

Bonobo ya kenya is way worser than USA bonobo. Kenyan bonobo will sit and watch while a fellow kenyan is terrorized by Chinese or British then will wait for opportunity to avenge not on chinese/British but on a weaker group so as to feel good for being a taller dwarf??

Kwani reparations ni nini, si ni CAPITAL?

Enyewe nyinyi waluhya hamnaga akili. Sijui mlinyimwa akili kwa nini.

Hizo reparations si zitaenda Popeyes na Footlocker

Officially slavery lasted from 1776 to 1865 . About 89 years.

And not every black person in the U.S during that period was a slave. Many of them were slave owners themselves!

There were less than 400,000 slaves of African descent. A good percentage of them were sent back to Liberia.

Most black Americans have no slave ancestors in their families. They are recent immigrants.

Someone like Obama is not a descendant of an African slave. Should he get something?

You might be surprised to learn that someone as white as Donald Trump has a black great grandmother who was an African slave. What happens then?

A very large chunk of so called African Americans are RECENT new comers from Africa , Europe, Haiti, Jamaica, Canada, Brazilā€¦ you name it.

What President Trump wanted to start made sense. He pledged $500 billion year on year.

The first year $500 billion for college debt and what have you. Thatā€™s about $12,500 to each black family for that one year. Some African Americans have never even touched $10,000 in their lives.

Already huwa wanapewa stimulus checks na other forms of welfare. Unaketi tu hivi cheque ya $1200 inaingia kwa account.

Last year Trump alikuwa anarushia kila mtu $1200 za Corona. Na bado same bonobos wakaiba election.

Not in a strict sense. Its compensation. But that will not fix the problem. T

Mushienzzzzzi!!! Nonsense!

And what will fix the problem in your view if not free CAPITAL?

Lets say they give every Black man 50K. This is what you call ā€œfree Capitalā€. So it looks like a lot of money. Lets re-calculate that in working mans life. From 18-62 years which amounts to 44 years. So thats roughly 1,250/ year. First question is will a raise of 1,250/year solve a Black mans discrimination? Suddenly 50K looks like a joke. How come the Black man never gets a 10K promotion every 3 years like the white man on the job? How comes Facebook hardly hires Blacks to IT positions which pays 4 times the minimum wage. Thats where the capital is. Thats the kind of capital I am talking about.


Simiyu kubali tu kwamba youā€™re a leftist cuck, simp & soyboy

Every black American, native American or white person descended from slaves is to get $250,000.

Very few humans on planet have ever touched $250,000 in their lives.

The full amount is between $10 to $15 trillion which the U.S govt can raise in a couple of years.

Americans are already accustomed to stimulus checks anyway and food stamps. There are blacks who received $500, 000 from FEMA after Hurricane Katrina.

Ati a white man to vote to give a black man from the hood $250K cash? And every Black man for that matter? Lets stick to realism.

The people firmly opposed to slave reparations are Democrats because on that day, they will lose their firm chokehold on the black voter.

Nothing scares a DEMOCRAT politician more than the words : ā€œslave reparations!ā€

Makes sense because that is the party of slavery. For a politician to survive politically he has to keep you the voter desperate. If he or she gives you what you want you will lose interest in him or her.

So Republican senators John Coryn and Lindsey Graham will vote to give over 60,000 Black men in Federal detention alone ( not counting other facilities ) $250,000 cash? Kiyana get serious.

Of course yes, why not??? Mbona prisoner asipewe?

Like I said, itā€™s very apparent that you Obama supporters will say anything to stall slave reparations. Yaani Look for any excuse high and low to kill slave reparations. Because you know that that is the day that the Democratic party will die.

Japanese POWs have gotten their reparations, these were prisoners. Native Americans have gotten their 40 acres and a mule! Indians who used to skin white men alive literally. Itā€™s called scalping. And Indians used to scalp white women and their white babies to get their point across more effectively. For the white man they would scalp and then chop off the dick but they still got their reparations nevertheless.
