Biwott was not a good man but...

For those who believe in God, if he didn’t make it right with everyone here, basi ole kwake.

Moving on.

If you’re wondering why there is a tower at Yaya that sticks out like an eyesore, there is a whole long story behind it. It heralded the time Biwott started losing the ‘total man’ thingie…

The owner of the Yaya property was an Israeli citizen whom Biwott had deported so he could gain control. He was a shareholder and he did not fully own the complex, the company behind it or the land where the unfinished tower stands.

But here’s some info to enlighten the [I]Villagers. [/I]

yeah but still


we cunt clit

To some of us, We have witnessed his goodness.


And that’s for you to judge!! Ferk it


Did I sound like I was asking if there is God or not?

In case you didn’t know, there’s a segment for discussing religion on this same platform.

Get busy there being sleepless over SOMEONE you claim doesn’t exist.

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Good info

hehe, i have two of your klost posts nilishare uku. Hehe i imagine unazikumbuka

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I don’t care what you sounded like

Wow!!! You mean there’s a segment for discussing religion on this same platform?! Aki I didn’t know. Thanks for telling me!!

Yep, nazikumbuka vipoa. Kondoo ndio bado wengi huku :slight_smile:

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God chapa huyu kyuk radi mwoto sana

Fuck what they think is our Mantra here in North Rift.

We know.

this has got to be the best response from the no-crick-brigade. well done.