mangondu zimenipea blueballs but it got me wondering too. tinder fishing, mmoja nimekua nikihata kumkuta because of commitments, ikafika time nyangau ilizima tenje, I had to make a u-turn at around 7:
30 pm. for some other bitchez, once they throw hints, wanakata risto, which has me wondering what stupidity this is. it’s a different story for a man to feign lack of interest to pull. For gals? wtf, aren’t they selling themselves without guilt tripping themselves? ama mafwala have some other issues like esteem? even though that’s a harsher line of thought since me and them are total strangers.
Uliacha kusumbuliwa na mapepo, ama you learned to coexist with them demons?
Ngondu ni kondoo,no? Soooo,this chap is a sheepshagger and has been blue balled by one, yes?
niliambiwa hizo vitu hufukuzwa na specialist, but I learnt they are very obedient little shits from unwillingly living with them. very easy to mould.
lakini nyang’au zilinifanya vitendo lazma zitaenda nyasi
would never ever try to sound ivo
Sijaelewa kitu
Hata mimi nime struggle sana kuelewa what he is talking about. Anaongea in parables…ama hio ndio speaking in tounges
How old are you
One day you will get the one you deserve
They’re dumb ANIMALS!!
What else is new?
if you follow the teachings of pastor Future
you are a wise toxic king who will live to 100 happy years