Bishops Slam Ruto's Tribal Nominations & Taxes. We Will Push For 42 Vs 1

Kalenjin Kwanza Government is under fire from The Anglican church.

2 out of 3 appointments are going to Kalejingas.

No matter how hard you kick a dog it can still be kicked again… Mliambiwa hapa foolish tugege kila siku hamkuskia:D
Ama Niaje msito @sani

Something major will happen to this government before 2027

I don’t believe anything ‘the church’ says regarding politics anymore.

The church whored itself to the highest bidder…wakule ujeuri

Uhuru said multiple times kumi yangu na kumi ya William.

Uhuru suddenly changed tune and many interpreted it as betrayal since Ruto had supported Uhuru to get his two terms.

Amazing church see wrongs in taxes but not on LGBT nonsense.

Ojinga dreams of tribal war to get him in power

Ni kama akiappoint jaruo ndio zitampee kura. We all know they’re cultists. Ata uwajengee mifereji ya maziwa na yoghurt hadi kwa nyumba bado hutapata kura zao. Ruto is wise to recognize this fact. He should not waste even his saliva on them :smiley: :smiley:

It’s the opposite. They bash LGBTQ people while supporting the thieving Nabii. The should keep off any politics issue in line with the Separation of Church and State.

They should spare us their hypocrisy. These are the same people who endorsed him, as though that was the will of God. Where was their wisdom then?

Watu ya church wako confused kama makondoro

the consequence of being stupid is you allow yourself to be ruled by a stupid person and become complacent in your suffering… jambass fails, we all suffer as the country degenerates into a shithole… criticism puts the ape on edge… hence necessary… read a book ye low IQ ape.

It won’t fail if ojinga stops inciting people

show me an example of a country that thrives on punitive taxes…


Ojinga is a cult:

Saba saba - 1990 - Nyayo ni mbaya( kabisa babaa!)

March 2001 - Nyayo ni poa (dio babaa!)

2002 - Kibaki Tosha - Uhuru Mbaya (sisi nakubali babaa!)

2005 - Katiba Mbaya - Uhuru Good (dio babaa! =

2007 - Kibaki Mbaya (yes baba!)

2012 - Uhuru Bad - Ruto Bad (kweli babaa!)

2017 - Uhuru Good - Ruto Bad (dio baba!)

2022 - Ruto mbaya (sidio babaa!)


Deprograming cultists is difficult

Eat your tomatoes