Why is it that younger Kikuyus forst get extremely tribal while older ones thaw with time? In other communities, the older members are the most tribal. This is unique with the Kikuyus in Kenya
Ni juu hawana akili. When you are young, your priority is to the defense of your people, culture, and way of life. As you age, you learn to hold your tongue and weigh your words carefully. What you call tribalism is simply showing loyalty to your people, culture, and way of life. Lakini watu wengine hii Kenya, as they age, they become frustrate with their poverty and a lack of progress in life. They move to central Kenya, which is dominated by the Kikuyu and expect people will just lay down and let them outcompete them in their home tuff. Soon they become frustrated since they lack business acumen and their frustration in life seeks an outlet by trying to be tribal. They start to imagine that the kikuyu are only successful because they are tribal instead of just admitting they suck at life, and you can’t outcompete people on their home tuff no matter how good of a businessman you are.
[=AZW_ukXPx9wgQl7AqrrOo-WMhK8qh_NR0v3spbZaTUkTtdH8vPHnXJGHDXptQpHnnI5uAAIDTPi6tH1vA-8PaOY0fRdaY8LxK_Yul0CPoIfxHiM8SLR07QSq2lIFUZ41jcw3qWfOa1IJMWrYkiVYZHW-&tn=R]-R’]Mark Waweru]('Mark Waweru[0)
Maneno ya wakikuyu wachia wakikuyu kama ni kazi unataka ungea na junet
[li][=AZW_ukXPx9wgQl7AqrrOo-WMhK8qh_NR0v3spbZaTUkTtdH8vPHnXJGHDXptQpHnnI5uAAIDTPi6tH1vA-8PaOY0fRdaY8LxK_Yul0CPoIfxHiM8SLR07QSq2lIFUZ41jcw3qWfOa1IJMWrYkiVYZHW-&tn=R]-R’]Irene Karong’a Elizabeth]('Redirecting... ya sisi kikuyu hawezani.Ambia 'baba ’ akupee kazi
[li][=AZW_ukXPx9wgQl7AqrrOo-WMhK8qh_NR0v3spbZaTUkTtdH8vPHnXJGHDXptQpHnnI5uAAIDTPi6tH1vA-8PaOY0fRdaY8LxK_Yul0CPoIfxHiM8SLR07QSq2lIFUZ41jcw3qWfOa1IJMWrYkiVYZHW-&tn=R]-R’]Johnieh Kaswii John]('Johnieh Kaswii John tano …tena…kumira kimura…we are here at kupakia lorry sand…
[=AZW_ukXPx9wgQl7AqrrOo-WMhK8qh_NR0v3spbZaTUkTtdH8vPHnXJGHDXptQpHnnI5uAAIDTPi6tH1vA-8PaOY0fRdaY8LxK_Yul0CPoIfxHiM8SLR07QSq2lIFUZ41jcw3qWfOa1IJMWrYkiVYZHW-&tn=R]-R’]Robert Njomo Murathime](‘Robert Njomo Murathime[0)
Btw do you know most young kikuyus are not tribal, they are the majority who will vote in [=AZW_ukXPx9wgQl7AqrrOo-WMhK8qh_NR0v3spbZaTUkTtdH8vPHnXJGHDXptQpHnnI5uAAIDTPi6tH1vA-8PaOY0fRdaY8LxK_Yul0CPoIfxHiM8SLR07QSq2lIFUZ41jcw3qWfOa1IJMWrYkiVYZHW-&tn=R]-R’]William Samoei Ruto]('William Samoei Ruto[0)
Well, many negros lack the business acumen. Somalis and Indians prove if you have the stones, you can do it. It’s the negros that come to fail and instead of understanding they are just dumb and limited, they begin to have mental masturbations about the Kikuyu working against them
My point exactly, frustrated negros who fail in business usually pretend it’s because of kikuyus. Acha kufikiria na matako, read and understand my post before typing an incoherent alcohol-fueled diatribe
Consider another fact that most Kikuyu businesses were started by those old guards who actually benefited from their relationships with the govt of the day…nothing to brag about when their offspring are known to squander the same wealth.
Kweli wew ni ng’ombe. How is a small business owner benefitiing form the government, except kulipishwa tax na kugonga na kanjo, how is the government helpful. The same bullshit arguments have now evolved from it is tribalism to it was the government. Any so -called connections and benefits kikuy got from the government were wiped out during the 24 years of Moi’s rule
Eish yawa Kikuyus wanajaribu kama tribe zingine pia. Iko nene tena kids? Makukasirika for what? Anyway, I think tribe is a non issue. Everyone is free to believe that their tribe is good in anything.
It’s not a competition guys, just believe what you want to believe. I will support anyone who elevates their tribe to make them happy. You may as well believe the sky is green. No one cares. Just make sure to be on time with your bills this month. La sivyo the creditors will not be interested with your tribe. Ama vipi wasee wa hapa kule?
The bad thing with Kikuyus, they will do anything for money whether morally right or not, illegal or not. The good thing is they don’t know how to use the money, that’s why even though there are very rich Kikuyus, the majority we know, there’s extreme poverty in Central. Money is only distributed among the few. That’s the bitter truth
That’s a lie. This narrative applies to all communities. After all, wealth is not shared among tribesmen. Everyone wants to outdo their neighbour whether in Kirinyaga or Lokichogio. Dude jipange kisolo.
Ati most business!! Where are you getting this retarded kind of statistics from…kikuyus are 6 million plus, probably less than 5% of that had their businesses work with the government. What about the rest?? Let me guess you are thinking walipewa maroans na equity …This is the same narrative lord of poverty was peddling in the last 2 presidential campaigns…