Biden speech on gun violence and gun control laws

Kenya is a hellavu safe country. That is how we want to keep it by electing Baba.

Now you a praising a Negro country yet you don’t fvck their d!cks? Kwani hauna Msimamo?

Can you stop this your extremism. It’s not like we don’t have problems. Ni vile tuu we are not allowed to own guns bure we would be alot worse.

There are a lot of contributing issues …

I spent some time in Switzerland and almost every home has weapons…
But none of the mayhem witnessed in the USA …

A more aggressive approach and strict Gun Controls are required…

Do the Swiss have automatic rifles with heavy artillery? Maybe they have basic guns. Unlike America where they keep getting deadlier and deadlier weapons. For sport. Under the guise of protecting yourself, I wonder how many times they actually protect themselves with those weapons. I’m sure it’s rare so more for sport than anything else.

Actually both …
Compulsory military service for everyone 18-55 years of age …

They train for 3 weeks every year and keep their military weapons and uniforms at home ( minus ammo which is stored at the garrison) - but have a good number of hunting rifles and hand guns for use at Rifle Clubs …

However weapons are strictly regulated and monitored ( swiss style …:D)

They don’t keep the ammo?

Nope …
Only for hunting rifles and personal hand guns that are strictly regulated…
Only the official weapon and uniforms are kept at home …

Just like the Israeli’s and Finn’s , the idea is to enable quick mobilization in times of conflict …
Ammo is stored in Unit Armories…