How many impeachment motions would have been levelled against Trump with this shit-show happening in Afghanistan?
[li]The intelligence and war-planning of Biden administration is catastrophically wrong and never anticipated this; or[/li][li]The intelligence and war-planning of Biden administration saw this coming but the political leadership fucked up.[/li][/ul]
To partly demonstrate how America is fucked-up:
[li]Twitter / Facebook etc. have allowed Taliban to operate but keep in Mind, Trump was banned on Those platforms. Taliban, still is a designated terror organization. link to NY post here[/li][/ul]
[li]I don’t think the intelligence apparatus of US didn’t see this coming - I think the political leadership of the country is so fucked up and overrun by sideshows.[/li][li]Biden has not spoken to any world leader.[/li][li]Russian consulate is fully protected by the Taliban in Kabul.[/li][li]Qatar A US friend has flown in Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban’s co-founder in a Qatari Airforce C-17 plane and full guard.[/li][/ul]
Biden is a senile guy, waliibia Trump kura kuharibu USA
Whining galore
ingekuwa ni Trump hakungekalika…Trump had a lot of success in the middle east
Do you know that its Trump who started the withdrawal.
Tuliambiwa build back better… sijui America is back… sijui great reset…
It was systematic and well planned. Clearly, we cannot possibly say the CIA failed to see this. It’s the political leadership that ignored the intelligence and war planning machinery and thought this was something to clout.
Notice, despite all these, news is publishing items mostly on women rights? Thats not coincidence. Its covering face by trying to shift blame to Taliban when clearly, it’s a political miscalculation in US and not intel or war machinery planning. This explains why Biden looks isolated and cannot talk to any world leader about this because everyone is wondering wtf happened. Qatari has taken point in this mess.