
Cant a sister have a good time surely

Amazing …
Fools are born every day … :smiley: :smiley:

:D:D:D:D:D…the realization that she fucked her marriage and she will always be a sloppy seconds cum dumpster is slowly but surely tearing her apart…ohh what a nice time to be alive.

Jamaa amepewa shnogg nusu. no tongue… hio ndio shukran ya kununua Glen Reserve all night.

dem akilewa hivo kunakuanga na utamu fulani special. Huyo jamaa lazima alimumunya dry fry

Huyo dem anakulwa saa hii na kili mtu, hadi @digi na @Omunyambi wako kwa waiting list ya kumkula. She has been thrown to the dogs

Hiyo noogle ni @Brikicho Bantureh

Ile jamaa ya mandevu imeanza kukuliwo mtu mapema aje :D:D

Huyu siwezi shangaa ukipata ni malaya wa bei ghali

It’s interesting how men vilify someone they only see on TV and social media…

She knows good press, bad press, all sell. No wonder many are on her case

What did women do to you MGTOW guyz juu huwa sielewi? Ni kama you guys celebrate every time a woman seems to be going through a rough patch. What you said is true, but I have noted that you seem overjoyed every time such threads are posted ni kama wanawake walimkosea.

:smiley: whoever hurt you alifikia hadi pancrease aki!

Kama huyu nugu amepewa hata mimi pia lazima nipate slice.

Kuna kuma ya mtu anatumia?

When digi does, he will open a super thread titled ‘Wangapi kama mimi’?

I think this chap was badly hurt to which he’s never going to recover.

Mgtow ni D minus material in dating game…waliachwa na dem and majority are simps and betas.

important lesson to learn, never trust a woman who is not your mother!

:D:D:D:D:D…nimeona beta males asking who “hurt you” chieth , nobody can hurt me because I do monetary transactional sex with women ,mambo ya love ,drama and their chieth Mimi niliachia beta males ndio wako na time , energy and will self deprecate themselves for some woman time or ass ,Mimi never ever!!! I hit it and move on to the next one.