Beta male embarrassed at the altar


???, how dyu end up at the altar with a woman who isn’t interested in you

She was just shy. Huyo hapendi PDAs, lakini I’m sure in private anaeza muekea mpaka ile style ya ng’ombe reverse.

Kissing in front of your dad and brothers can be a challenge in Africa, I understand her…

The real lover yuko area

Shes probably the same behind bedroom doors.

It’s very unafrican

Huyo sasa ndiye typical african woman no public display of affection. Si kama betty kyalo spreading open her fish lips for kiss on video.

Getting into things half cocked…
He shoulda been knowing what the lady doesn’t prefer or prefers

huyo matheee angemuhug atleast banae:D:D

Beta male should be exterminated. Watu meffi sana.

Traditionally , African Women have a rigid Public Morality Standard that forbids public shows of affection …

I bet this one is pure Fire in the privacy of a bedroom …:D:D

Ai ngai fafa… What the hell?

Why would she do that?

I didn’t kiss on the altar either…nbd we just dubbed and hugged.

Beta males wamejaa kwa hii thread. Ati no public displays of affection IN YOUR WEDDING?


Weee ebu acha wase wajiconsole polepole :smiley: