Beta male definition?


Hey cretin

I got no time for such nonsense. Those I’d leave for sexually starved faggots like @Sambamba who’d do anything to catch a lady’s attention. Bitch ass niggas

Dame akileta ujinga ya which restaurant to go,mwambie muende ile mlienda last time iko na kadame kasupuu aliwaserve. Utakulia home bila shaka

:D:D:D si mko na shida ?
Take her to either sonford where the choices are limited , ama base ya fish na Ugali or nyamchom.

:smiley: si unajua nyinyi u can make a mountain out of an ant hill. Shida tunapitia si kidogo

na saa hiyo unapata tu ni kienyeji

Nirushie digits

:D:D hii kienyeji si mbaya especially when the little head’s mouth is the loudest.

Hehe your comment is painted BETA all over it :D:D
Shida tunapitia si kidogo

ndio hiyo handle yake enda usorore
