Way back before most of you were born…these were some of my favorite joints
Brilliant (nikiwa high school, lakini ilifungwa)
Monte Carlo
F2- jam session, weh!
Mad House
Vybestar (Thika)
Roasters (Mugithi)
Dimples (Nakuru)
Spiders (Tom Mboya street, DJ Ngungush)
K1 and 2
Bubbles also had another name I can’t quite recall…international something, right? Was it also related to Mamba? I’ve lost a lot of brain cells in my short 40 years!!
In the same bubbles area, there was another place called Tuna Tree if I recall. There was also a casino there with slot machines. Bubbles in its later years had a name change and they changed to playing mostly lingala stuff. Cant recall the name though… maybe its the International something you mention
Another place I recall is Dreams 90 on Mombasa road. Recently passed by there on a slow sunday after almost 2 decades… was amused to find its still a pub.
Also, there was Jeans pub in west. I think its still there. There was a time they bagun selling Pizza (I remeber my favorite was Pizza Cannon). I used to eat them when I was high. Tried one when sober (not a very good experience) and I can tell they those Pizzas are best taken when high.
Then on the way home you pass Topaz ama Munyiris for some food
Haha… yeah. I remember we used to say that after eating their food sometimes you feel like youve caught malaria or something.
But it was a place of last resort.
Then there used to be a place just at the entrance of F2 where you are could buy a large mandazi and have egg and meat put in it and eat. Lakini those days we were young and adventurous! You wouldnt catch me dead eating at such a place these days. I mean who knows what kind of meat you were eating…
Hiyo jam session ya f2 wueh!
Kutoka church mnasema mnaenda youth meeting. chang’aa river road shteam kidogo mechi ifunguke poa. F2 ndani ndaaani. haki maisha nrb imebadilika sana