Best battery saver app

Which is the best battery saver app ambayo ni functional kwa wenye wameitumia. Nimejaribu DU saver bt naona ni upus tu. Sitaki story ya powerbank juu simu battery iko poa kubwa vizuri(4500mAh) but naona kama inadrain power haraka.

Nunua energizer [ATTACH=full]169876[/ATTACH]

battery saver apps are nonesense android knows when your phone is idle and the apps you are using and manages battery accordingly

Boss infinix note 4pro specs sio mbaaya vile na batery pia ni hio hio but note 3 is far much better than it. Na ni same battery

battery saver apps are a scam… root the phone, weka greenify na amplify

Nunua simu ya maana acha ufukara.

weka battery usage hapa tuone

Nunua chloride exide utembee nayo.

Battery saver apps bindu shi. Ultra power mambo yote


Wacha kutumia vpn kwa simu.

Hio simu imeanza kukuchoma mikono?

Kwani vpn humaliza charge ya phone haraka?


Delete any app you’ve not used in the past 3 weeks.

Battery savers do more harm than good because they’re always running, and they tend to force close frequently used apps which means they drain even more battery while relaunching.

Android and iOS are very good at managing this sort of thing, battery management is something baked into any self respecting OS.

At best, those apps are placebos.

no app can really save your battery. Go manually to settings and close all unnecessary running apps. also reduce your screen brightness na upunguze the duration your screen stays on after you are done ogling over it. Finally make sure your phone never drops below 20% charge or over 85% charge juu io li-ion unaitesa sana ukifikisha 100% ama ukiinyonya below 20%

Mediatek is a no go zone… Going that way is lowering the village standards

Since when did VPN’s become power hogs?

I asked that question sijajibiwa mpaka nikaeka screenshot

Ati battery saver app ,:D:D:D in 2018 watu hutumia vitu kaa izo ungeomba usaidizi kwanza kabla ununue simu